What does the Bible Teach Regarding Sex Outside Marriage?
Casual Relationships are wrong. Sex is special and should be saved for marriage. Adultery is forbidden in the Ten Commandments. Married Couples should be faithful to each other.
It's okay if the Couple Love Each other. It's okay if they are in a long-term committed relationship. It's okay if they intend to get married in the future.
Bible Quotes for Sex outside Marriage?
'You shall not commit Adultery' 'God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality' 'Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit'
"it's calm tho"
Why do some Christians feel Pre-Marital Sex is acceptable?
The Bible says sex is for Married Couples. Children born outside of marriage will have a less stable family life. Promiscuity makes people vulnerable to STD's. Sex unites a married couple. Adultery breaks the marriage vows made before God.
Why do most Christians feel sex outside marriage is wrong?
Because it helps couples to find out if they will be suited as marriage partners. It is a 'step' towards marriage.
Why do some Christians believe that Cohabitation is acceptable?