Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Created by Jessdwill over 9 years ago


Question 1 of 9


The nurse is to teach a client with Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease safety precautions for using oxygen at home. The nurse knows that the client understands the safety principles discussed when he says the following:

Select one of the following:

  • "Acetone, oil, and alcohol are appropriate substances to use with clients who are using oxygen."

  • "Fire extinguishers do not need to be stored."

  • "Avoid materials that generate static electricity."

  • "Smoking is permitted when oxygen is in use."


Question 2 of 9


The nursing intervention that is inappropriate for use with clients having an endotracheal tube is:

Select one of the following:

  • Communicating frequently with the client, providing a notepad or picture board for the client to use to communicating

  • Providing room air

  • Frequently assessing nasal and oral mucosa for redness and irritation

  • Placing client in a side-lying position


Question 3 of 9


Which is the appropriate method to use when a client is suffering respiratory difficulty and in need of suctioning?

Select one of the following:

  • Dextrose-and-water solution

  • Goggles or face shield not needed

  • Nasal cannula

  • Portable or wall suction machine with tubing and collection receptacle


Question 4 of 9


Appropriate follow-up evaluation of a client after suctioning does not include which of the following assessments?

Select one of the following:

  • Assessment of vital signs

  • Only document findings abnormal in the client record; the doctor will see the results when rounds on the client are done

  • Compare findings to previous assessment data

  • Chart appearance if secretions


Question 5 of 9


While suctioning a client in ICU, the nurse notices that the activity brings about deep breathing and coughing maneuvers by the client. This is considered a good action because:

Select one of the following:

  • Deep breathing oxygenates the lungs, and coughing loosens and moves secretions in the lungs.

  • Deep breathing has no effect on the lungs or the ability of the client to cough.

  • Deep breathing is impossible to perform when one has a respiratory disease, and coughing is a reflex action.

  • Deep breathing allows secretions to build up in the lungs, and coughing helps to determine their location.


Question 6 of 9


An appropriate nursing responsibility in caring for clients with chest drainage systems would be:

Select one of the following:

  • Evaluating respiratory rate every four hours after the tube is inserted

  • Not filling the water seal area of the unit

  • Never using clamps with the drainage tubing

  • Monitoring the patency and integrity of the drainage system


Question 7 of 9


Which client is most at risk for developing an upper respiratory infection?

Select one of the following:

  • A 20-year-old healthy adult

  • A 3-year-old in preschool

  • A 50-year-old non-smoker

  • A 13-year-old with a broken leg


Question 8 of 9


The nurse is providing wellness teaching to a group of seniors in the community. Which action is not appropriate to follow in promoting healthy breathing?

Select one of the following:

  • Making sure furnaces, ovens, and wood stoves are correctly ventilated

  • Eliminating or reduce the use of household pesticides and irritating chemical substances

  • Providing for rest periods during the day

  • Sitting straight and standing erect to permit full lung expansion


Question 9 of 9


Which clinical signs are indicative of hypoxia? Select all that apply.

Select one or more of the following:

  • rapid pulse

  • cyanosis

  • deep, rapid breaths

  • flaring of nostrils

  • mouth breathing

  • substernal or intercostal retractions
