Negus was the king of:
Eating lawful and pure food is a sign of:
The penalty for breaking an Intentional oaths is:
Feeding relatives, neighbours and needy ones, plus fasting for 3 days
Providing clothes to 10 needy people, fasting for 10 days and freeing a slave
Feeding 10 needy people or clothing them or freeing a slave or fasting for 3 days
What is the criteria for believers to be successful in the Akhirah?
To avoid righteous company, halal earnings and talking good about people
To avoid intoxicants, gambling, sacrificing for other than Allah ﷻ and finding out the future
To avoid spending time in the mosque, teaching children about deen and giving gifts to family members
What is going to benefit people the most on the Day of Judgement?
Their groups of friends and their children
Their honesty and truthfulness
Their wasting time and arguments