Created by Becky Walker
over 9 years ago
I felt that the Nuclear family was not only 'universal' but also had four very key roles: education, economic, sexual, reproductive
My study was in response to Young and WilMot's, as there was a belief that their methodology was flawed. The study looked at 20 families in the London and found there was little symmetry only 15% and 25% of men helped with housework and childhood respectively.
I looked at how money was controlled or pooled, and found that class had an impact. In most cases, men had most control.
We studied Bethnal Green twice, and found that the family had a four stage structure, the stage we are currently in is stage three - the symmetrical family
I looked at the role of the family and found it to be extremely positive, but that it's functions had been stripped back to two key roles; primary socialisation and stabilisation of the adult personality
I looked at conjugal roles. My study is a classic from the 1950's, but led to the terms Joint/Segregated Conjugal roles (dependant of class)
I did a historical examination of childhood, looking at medieval paintings, right through to children's experiences during the industrial revolution. He found that Childhood was Socially Constructed.
We felt that the 'family' is the most violent 'club' that many of us will belong to. Most violence in society is directed by males against females, and that children are often witnesses