Created by Stacym09
over 11 years ago
what is bilirubin derived from?
How can drugs cause jaundice?
jendrassik Grof
evelyn malloy
serum bilirubin methods
Liver failure
functions of liver
how are liver fxns assessed
potentially toxic byproduct that is detoxified by the liver
bilirubin metabolism
direct bilirubin
biliary destruction
hemolytic jaundice types
criggler najjar
dubin johnson
complete obstrucion of bile duct characterized by
major compund in non protein nitrogen
how does nh3 keptbetween limits to maintain acid base balance
disorders associated w increased blood nh3
serum creatinine v GFR
BUN/ creatinine ratio and whats associated w increased BUN
process of creatinine
gaffe rxn
creatinine clearance test
if urine is not fresh and requiring a creatinine level what must be done
why is creatinine a good substance for a claearnce test ?
creatine process
tests increased in renal failure
why do pple in chemo get gout sometimes?
end product of protein metabolism
proximal tubule fxn
relationship between serum creatinine and GFR
normal renal plasma flow
what happens to the BUN/creatinine ratio in prerenal azotemia?
Proximal tubule
Proximal tubule
loop of henle
how to estimate Bun
best accurate test for GFR
urea:urea nitrogen ratio