Created by Luca Cameron
almost 10 years ago
Martin Luther was the first protestant that _____
True of false:
Martin Luther was actually very religious and tried very hard to make himself pure.
He strongly believed that he was _____ and was terrified of ____. He kept trying to make himself pure but he felt that he was not doing enough.
After time he came to feel that the church was not actually _____ him
What did he think that the Roman Catholic Church got in the way of?
Name one way that Martin Luther punished himself to try to be "pure" and deserve to go to heaven
After doing all of the 'right things', Martin Luther felt no purer. He started to wonder if these things (taught by the church) were _____
Pope Leo X was suspected to only really be interested in making himself _____, building beautiful _____ and paying for beautiful _____
In 1517, Pope Leo X needed money. So what did he do and who did he send?
What is an indulgence?
Luther did not agree with the sale of indulgences. What did he think of them? And what was the name of his new book that he wrote about it?
Where did he nail these arguments? (95 thesis)
What was Luther's basic message in the arguments that he nailed on the door?
Martin Luther started a new faith called _____
The Roman Catholic Church wanted to keep Luther _____, but the local German Prince, _____ (his name) protected Luther.
Why did Frederick the Wise of Saxony (and many other German princes for the same reason) protect Luther?
What did Martin Luther believe in?
When a German prince decided that he liked Lutheranism, what would he make his people do?
True or False:
Lutheranism did not thrive and Luther was another failed protestant.
Which way did Martin Luther choose that people should worship?
What did he do in order to achieve these goals of worshiping in another way?
Once the new Protestant faith was established, it began to _____ in different ways
Some people thought Luther had not gone far enough in _____ the church
A man called _____ decided it was his job to make an even holier church
What did John Calvin do to make the churches holier?
Give an example on something in the church that Calvin made plainer
Luther___ & Calvin___ led even more ____ in Europe