Verónica Katz Zajdel
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

This test is a compilation of the previous exams available in “Exámenes Anteriores”. It comprises all the questions of all the exams. In the “Explicación” tab, there is the indication of the unit of the syllabus to which the question belongs. Some questions are “opción múltiple” type and others “selección multiple” because they admit more than one valid answer. This test contains the first 200 questions (the maximum allows). The rest of them are included in "Studying from previous exams 2"

Verónica Katz Zajdel
Created by Verónica Katz Zajdel almost 4 years ago

Studying from previous exams 1

Question 1 of 200


A bibliographic database could be described as...

Select one of the following:

  • an organized digital collection of published references including journals and news and
    newspaper articles, conference proceedings, reports, government and legal publications, patents,
    books, etc.

  • a recollection of bibliographic references that can be acceded from the Internet

  • a digital collection of books, journals, reports and other bibliographic elements

  • a database made of books, e-journals and other kind of research works

  • a repository of datasets

  • a tool to analyse data collected through research

  • a software to create online academic publications


Question 2 of 200


EBSCO is, among other things...

Select one of the following:

  • a bibliographic manager

  • a journal provider

  • a provider of bibliographic sources (it includes databases, ejournals, etc.)

  • a kind of e-book

  • proprietary software to conduct qualitative research

  • a journal provider dealing with English Studies

  • a consortium of European University Libraries


Question 3 of 200


What's the name of the Google used to search academic data?

Select one of the following:

  • Google Academic

  • Google Scientific

  • Google Scholar

  • Google Premium


Question 4 of 200


MLA Directory of Periodicals ...

Select one of the following:

  • could be used for free from any library

  • could be acceded from any library subscribed to it and it can provide the link to the full text of the desired article only if your institution is paying for that publication

  • is a database of chapter books and articles

  • is the list of Periodical Publications offered by the Modern Language Association


Question 5 of 200


MLA stands for ...

Select one of the following:

  • Middle Languages Association

  • Medium Languages Association

  • Modern Languages Association

  • Modern Language Acquistion


Question 6 of 200


APA stands for...

Select one of the following:

  • American Phenomena Association

  • American Psycholinguistic Association

  • American Physics Association

  • American Psychological Association

  • American Pragmatics Association

  • American Psychiatric Association

  • Asian Psychological Association

  • American Pedagogic Association

  • Anglo-American Postgraduates Association

  • Association of Political Academics


Question 7 of 200


If we want to do a first search on any special topic related to English in order to have a general view, we would begin by...

Select one of the following:

  • consulting a bibliographic database such as Dialnet

  • consulting a bibliographic database such as MLA

  • consulting one of the e-journals found in the library catalogue about English Studies

  • opening Google Scholar


Question 8 of 200


ERIC stands for...

Select one of the following:

  • Education and Research Information Center

  • Education Resources for Information and Communication

  • Electronic Resources Information Center

  • Education Resources Information Center


Question 9 of 200


Linguistics Abstract Online...

Select one of the following:

  • is a free online service to search articles on linguistics

  • is a database of Linguistics abstracts that must be paid by your institution every year to use it

  • is a database of online Linguistics abstracts

  • is a collection of Linguistics abstracts that offers for free the possibility of searching abstracts

  • is a database of online Linguistics abstracts to which the users must previously subscribe in order to access all its privileges


Question 10 of 200


The acronym RSS stands for...

Select one of the following:

  • Real Simple Syndication

  • Really Simple Syndication

  • Really Syndicated Scripts

  • Really Sample Syndication


Question 11 of 200


Dialnet can …

Select one of the following:

  • export references to your Refworks user account in a direct way.

  • save and list your multimedia references

  • save markers in your hard disk

  • export your Refworks references to .txt format


Question 12 of 200


If you are writing a research paper for an English literature publication…

Select one of the following:

  • you will probably have to use Chicago to format your work

  • you will probably have to use APA to format your work

  • you will probably have to use MLA to format your work

  • you will probably have to use Medline to format your work


Question 13 of 200


Aggregators are …

Select one of the following:

  • tools to read RSS and other sort of feed

  • tools to create online magazines

  • tools to create online alerts

  • tools to read emails and feeds

  • browser extensions to work collaboratively

  • applications to make backups


Question 14 of 200


REBIUN does not …

Select one of the following:

  • provide you with full text books, unless your library has bought it

  • provide you with the location of a book in a Spanish University

  • include the UNED library as a member

  • include most public Spanish Universities in its catalogue

  • is a CoP to propose linguistic exchanges among students


Question 15 of 200


Dialnet is…
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a British bibliographic database where you search authors, articles and journals

  • a Spanish bibliographic database where you search articles and journals from all around the world

  • a Spanish bibliographic database where you search authors, articles and multimedia archives

  • a Spanish bibliographic database developed by the University of La Rioja where you search authors, articles and journals published by most Spanish Universities

  • a system to transfer files in an easy way

  • a CoP of language students

  • an RSS aggregator

  • a bibliographic database of journals, theses and conference procedures published in different Spanish universities, mainly

  • a platform to display ebooks

  • an American content provider


Question 16 of 200


Literature Online (LION) is... (question 1 of 2)
(4 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a free collection of British works dating from the Roman period to the present

  • a database of book chapters and articles

  • a database of writers bibliography

  • a recollection of full-text works in English from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present time

  • a free service to search online articles dealing with World Literature

  • a database where you can find documents dealing with literature in English

  • A ProQuest database containing documents dealing with British and American Literature

  • database where you can find documents about North American & English literature

  • a free online service to search for articles on North American literature

  • a free database of North American texts dating from the colonial period to the present


Question 17 of 200


ERIC is … (question 1 of 3)
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a well-known database dealing with language teaching and education

  • a well-known database dealing with the history of education

  • a well-known database dealing with education matters

  • a well-known database dealing with educational communities

  • the American Centre for Information and Research

  • a database to locate English Studies bibliographic references

  • one of the most widely used databases to search Education related documents

  • a specialised search engine for scholarly articles

  • a generic bibliographic platform for journals and books

  • the most important database dealing with Language Studies


Question 18 of 200


Feedly is...

Select one of the following:

  • a platform where you can do searches related to English literature

  • a UNED library database

  • an RSS aggregator / an aggregator to read and manage RSS

  • an online library by Cambridge University

  • a well-known application to learn languages

  • a tool to shorten long URLs

  • a platform to display e-books

  • a VoIP tool to be used in your mobile phone

  • a cordless device to send information to your computer

  • an aggregator to read emails in your mobile phone


Question 19 of 200


Luminarium is...

Select one of the following:

  • a website dedicated to offering biographical and historical information about writers from the Age of Enlightenment

  • a project to collect Medieval manuscripts from different European towns and cities

  • a search engine for the British Library's collection of Medieval works

  • an online anthology of and guide to English Literature from the Medieval to the Restoration periods

  • a corpus of British and Irish medieval literature

  • an online anthology of English and North American literature

  • a database to find publications related to Medieval, Renaissance and 17th century literature

  • an online collection of Medieval manuscripts

  • a list of writers from the Age of Enlightenment

  • an app to improve the quality of coloured images


Question 20 of 200


Open Library is...

Select one of the following:

  • a Library open to the whole world of Internet, where anyone can share or lend books

  • a website that gives you access to 48 National Libraries in Europe

  • a database of all libraries around the world

  • a part of the British Library that has open access without registration


Question 21 of 200


Which of these is NOT a database that can be used for English Studies?

Select one of the following:

  • MLA International Bibliography

  • MLA Directory of Periodicals

  • JCR

  • ERIC


Question 22 of 200


Which of these is an example of a generic bibliographic database?

Select one of the following:

  • Dialnet

  • America: History and Life

  • Literature Online

  • Linguistics Abstracts Online


Question 23 of 200


EEBO stands for…

Select one of the following:

  • Early English books online

  • Early Education by Oxford

  • English Education By Oxford

  • English e-books online


Question 24 of 200


“Embargo years”…

Select one of the following:

  • means that you can’t read articles published in that period of time

  • means that you can read articles published in that period of time

  • means that your institution has been penalised for not paying a subscription

  • means that you need to pay extra for reading some articles


Question 25 of 200


MLA citations are:

Select one of the following:

  • the preferred style for Scientific publications

  • the preferred style for publications dealing with Literature and Modern Languages

  • the preferred style for publications in Social Science

  • the preferred style for publications in Sports and Health


Question 26 of 200


Which of these tools is NOT an aggregator?

Select one of the following:

  • Feedly

  • Nvivo

  • Digg Reader

  • NetVibes


Question 27 of 200


What is RSS?

Select one of the following:

  • It is a way of creating an online community of practice

  • It is a professional association

  • It is a sort of web syndication

  • It is a kind of software to create academic websites


Question 28 of 200


You can have access to full-text view through…
(5 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • ERIC



  • Science Direct



Question 29 of 200


Gutenberg Project provides books in…

Select one of the following:

  • English and Gaelic

  • English and German

  • Italian, Portuguese and Dutch

  • English, French, Portuguese and Dutch

  • English, French, Chinese and Dutch

  • English, Spanish, French and Dutch

  • English, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch


Question 30 of 200


Which of these resources are NOT available at UNED?
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • ERIC

  • Linguistic Abstracts Online

  • Literature Online (LION)

  • Dialnet


  • EEBO


  • MLA


Question 31 of 200


MLA is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a bibliographical database specialised in Modern Languages Studies

  • a manual of style to write academic texts

  • a bibliographical database specialised in English Studies


Question 32 of 200


What's REBIUN?
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • It's a list of Spanish University Libraries that contains English Studies related databases

  • It's a network formed by most of the Spanish University Libraries which share a common catalogue

  • It's a catalogue of Spanish Universities libraries

  • It's a system of categorising and cataloguing different kinds of books in the Spanish Universities

  • It's an acronym for "Red de Bibliotecas Unidas"

  • It’s an online catalogue shared by various Spanish universities that can help you locate a book in other libraries


Question 33 of 200


APA is ...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • the American Psychological Association

  • a manual of style to write academic

  • one of the most relevant repositories of Postcolonial Literature

  • software to record online conversations

  • a tool to edit HTML

  • a tool to format papers

  • the acronym for American Psychological Association, which also provides its own Academic Writing Style


Question 34 of 200


Consorcio Madroño is an agreement signed by...

Select one of the following:

  • all private universities located in Madrid to teach online

  • most private universities located in Madrid to share books

  • most public universities located in Madrid to share bibliographic resources

  • all public universities in Spain to deliver courses online

  • most of the public university libraries of the North of Spain


Question 35 of 200


Project Gutenberg is...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a project which has digitalized the Gutenberg Bible; on their website you can browse pages of the original manuscript

  • a volunteer effort to digitalize and archive cultural works; on their site you can read plain text versions of thousands of works

  • a site which has digitalized early Germanic manuscripts; on their website you can read translations into Modern English

  • a database specialising in Nordic and Germanic texts

  • a project which has compiled and digitalized classic books in English and other languages to spread the interest and love for literature in general on the Internet.

  • a database of Old and Middle English manuscripts available on the Internet for free

  • a collective catalogue shared by the public universities based in Madrid

  • an open online repository shared by most European universities libraries

  • a collective catalogue comprised of university libraries from all around the world

  • a compilation of digitalised classic texts in different languages


Question 36 of 200


You can access ERIC...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • freely by using your own account

  • using your Facebook/Twitter account

  • through UNED with EBSCO or ProQuest


Question 37 of 200


Dialnet allows you...

Select one of the following:

  • the access to all Spanish e-journals in full-text format

  • to export your references to Mendeley in a direct way

  • to receive updates from your subscribed journals if you have previously created an account

  • to receive updates from your subscribed journals if you pay a reduced fee per year


Question 38 of 200


Literature Online (LION) is... (question 2 of 2)
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a free online service to search for literature articles

  • a ProQuest database containing documents dealing with British and American literature

  • an open library of English literature

  • an online anthology of British and American Contemporary poetry

  • an online linguistics database

  • an online database where you can find all sort of bibliographic references

  • a database to find out references related to English culture


Question 39 of 200


Why can Luminarium be useful for research?

Select one of the following:

  • Because it is one of the leading BMA

  • Because you can improve your quantitative research

  • Because it allows you to obtain a list with the most cited references in any of their references

  • Because you will have open access to some of the most important works of the British literature


Question 40 of 200


A database is...

Select one of the following:

  • an organised digital collection of references to published literature

  • a referencing tool that should be used for academic writing

  • a tool to analyse data collected through research

  • software to create academic online publications


Question 41 of 200


Which of these statements is NOT correct?

Select one of the following:

  • MLA stands for Modern Linguistics Association

  • MLA Directory of Periodicals can be accessed from any library subscribed

  • MLA International Bibliography is the most important database in English Studies

  • MLA is a Manual of Style


Question 42 of 200


Which of these databases is NOT specific for Studies in Language and Literature?

Select one of the following:

  • MLA Directory of Periodicals

  • Linguistics Abstracts

  • J-STOR

  • Literature Online


Question 43 of 200


Which of the following databases can be more specialised on Language Studies?

Select one of the following:

  • ERIC

  • MLA

  • Dialnet

  • J-STOR


Question 44 of 200


Thanks to the EBSCO platform, you can...

Select one of the following:

  • check the library catalogue of different universities at the same time

  • perform searches in different databases at the same time

  • revise your academic writing

  • read online books for free


Question 45 of 200


RSS can be read through...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • an aggregator

  • Microsoft Outlook

  • Microsoft Word


Question 46 of 200


Dialnet is the best place to find...

Select one of the following:

  • articles written in English

  • digitalised works

  • articles published by journals based in Spanish universities

  • ebooks in their full-text version


Question 47 of 200


GoConqr is a useful tool to...

Select one of the following:

  • exchange online conversations with native speakers of a foreign language

  • create mind maps and multiple choice questions among other resources

  • manage different passwords

  • record conversations from mobile devices


Question 48 of 200


If you are looking for studies dealing with Bilingual Education policies in Spain, perhaps one of the best databases to begin your search would be:

Select one of the following:


  • Science Direct

  • Linceo+

  • Dialnet

  • MLA

  • Project Gutenberg


Question 49 of 200


Gutenberg Project can provide you with...

Select one of the following:

  • new book releases in English

  • digitalised classic books in English

  • digitalised classic books in English and other languages

  • tools to publish your own weblog


Question 50 of 200


REBIUN can help you...

Select one of the following:

  • with statistic tasks

  • locating some books unavailable in your institution

  • writing better essays

  • publishing books online


Question 51 of 200


MLA is famous for...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • its MLA International bibliography

  • its MLA Directory of Periodicals

  • its Manual of Style


Question 52 of 200


REBIUN is...

Select one of the following:

  • a collective catalogue shared by the public universities based in Madrid

  • a collective catalogue where most Spanish university libraries are included

  • a collective catalogue formed by most European university libraries

  • a collective catalogue which is accessible by university libraries from all around the world


Question 53 of 200


Which of these choices is NOT an Open Access library?

Select one of the following:

  • Open Library

  • Elsevier

  • Gutenberg Project

  • Europeana


Question 54 of 200


Which of these databases contains references specifically related to English Studies?

Select one of the following:

  • ProQuest


  • Dialnet

  • MLA


Question 55 of 200


Thanks to Science Direct, you can...

Select one of the following:

  • read full-text articles and books previously acquired by your institution

  • communicate with the authors of articles and book chapters

  • create online publications

  • improve the accessibility of your website


Question 56 of 200


Thanks to Google Scholar...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • you can read the full-text version of all the articles retrieved in your searches

  • you can read the full-text version of all the articles retrieved in your searches if they are open or subscribed by your institution

  • you can publish your own books online

  • you can save different references at the same time in RefWorks by using the direct method

  • save bibliographic references in different formats

  • create emails alerts based on your searches

  • none of them is correct


Question 57 of 200


LION is a database to find...

Select one of the following:

  • information about learning foreign languages

  • Linguistics articles

  • information about literature in English

  • a database of Linguistics abstracts


Question 58 of 200


With Google Scholar...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • you can create an alert for your searches

  • you can read the full-text version of all the articles retrieved in your searches if they are open or subscribed by your institution

  • you can export bibliographic references to different BMAs


Question 59 of 200


What can you do if you do not find a full-text article in the catalogue of the UNED library?

Select one of the following:

  • Try to find it in the REBIUN catalogue and go physically to the library which has it

  • Request it to be brought to the UNED library , by clicking on the link provided

  • Nothing, just admit that you cannot read it because your library has not bought it

  • Try to access other libraries' catalogues directly through RefWorks


Question 60 of 200


Apart from critical essays, LION can provide you with...

Select one of the following:

  • statistical tasks

  • the complete works of various English speaking writers

  • a proofreading service to revise your essays before its submission

  • a publishing service


Question 61 of 200


Consorcio Madroño is...

Select one of the following:

  • a company which provides Spanish universities with access to several bibliographic references

  • a consortium of all the public universities of the region of Madrid (except for UCM)

  • a catalogue shared by all the universities of the region of Madrid

  • an online magazine with announcements and events about public libraries

  • a Manual of Style


Question 62 of 200


Europeana is...

Select one of the following:

  • an open library comprised of collections of pictures, texts and audiovisual material

  • a website that gives you access to 48 national libraries in Europe

  • a database of all libraries around the world

  • a part of the British Library that has open access without registration


Question 63 of 200


Which of these applications includes the possibility of creating maps?

Select one of the following:

  • GoConqr

  • WordPress

  • AVIP

  • Microsoft Forms


Question 64 of 200


Which of these databases are NOT specific for Studies in Language and Literature?

Select one of the following:

  • MLA Directory of Periodicals

  • Linguistics Abstracts

  • Dialnet

  • LION


Question 65 of 200


GoConqr is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • an authoring tool to create quizzes on your PC

  • a tool that allows you to create quizzes on your PC and mobile devices

  • a tool to create wikis

  • a database for English Studies

  • a device to read ebooks from public libraries

  • an application to collect and manage your bibliographic references

  • an authoring tool to create quizzes and other study resources

  • a CoP to practice foreign languages


Question 66 of 200


LION is a database to find...

Select one of the following:

  • North American authors

  • British authors

  • literature written in English

  • different aspects of literary research and teaching in several languages


Question 67 of 200


To select bibliographic references with Exlibris…

Select one of the following:

  • you have to tick them all at the same time

  • you can use the Web Importer

  • you can select them with the left button mouse to copy and paste them

  • you need to pin them one by one


Question 68 of 200


To borrow an ebook from UNED library, you must …

Select one of the following:

  • be a PhD student

  • pay a fee

  • download it first

  • be previously logged in, although you can save or print a limited number of pages, depending on the platform or book license


Question 69 of 200


Ebook Central (before e-brary or e-libro) is...

Select one of the following:

  • a tool to transform your .pdf texts into ebook formats

  • one of the platforms available at UNED to read books online

  • a project to digitalise classic books in English

  • a project to digitalise classic books in different languages


Question 70 of 200


If we need to read an academic work in the full-text version…

Select one of the following:

  • we need to search it on Google Scholar

  • and it is not provided by our library we will have to search REBIUN to locate it in other universities

  • we will need to search Dialnet after logging in at our institution

  • and it is not provided by our library, we could ask for it in the library


Question 71 of 200


If you search for a very general topic in a database (e.g. Linguistics), …

Select one of the following:

  • you will block the system and an error will pop up

  • you will be able to export your finding to your reference manager

  • It would be difficult to find exactly what you are looking for

  • no results will be retrieved


Question 72 of 200


APA adds the year of publication…

Select one of the following:

  • at the very end of the bibliographic reference

  • after the name of the author/s

  • at the very beggining of the bibliographic references

  • after the name of the publication


Question 73 of 200


ERIC is ... (question 3 of 3)

Select one of the following:

  • a database of educational references that can be accessed freely from anywhere

  • an open repository of linguistics abstracts online

  • a collection of linguistics abstracts that offers the possibility of searching them for free

  • a database to find educational communities


Question 74 of 200


EBSCO is, among other things...

Select one of the following:

  • propriety software to conduct qualitative research

  • a journal provider dealing with English Studies

  • a bibliographic database and bibliographic source provider

  • a consortium of European University libraries


Question 75 of 200


BMA stands for...

Select one of the following:

  • Bibliographic Management Application

  • Bibliographic Manager Application

  • Bibliographic Management Apps

  • Bibliography Management Application


Question 76 of 200


Which one is the oldest?

Select one of the following:

  • Endnote

  • Refworks

  • Cite U Like

  • Mendeley


Question 77 of 200


Reference Manager is ...

Select one of the following:

  • a social networking BMA that requires to be installed in a desktop computer

  • an open source BMA that requires to be installed in a desktop computer

  • a classic BMA that requires to be installed in a desktop computer

  • web-based BMA that need a browser to work as a complement


Question 78 of 200


Importing new data in an indirect way means:

Select one of the following:

  • transferring the citation reference with a click

  • saving the citation information into a file and importing it from the user profile

  • using catalogues from the BMA

  • using RSS from the BMA

  • that you need to send it through email

  • that you can do it from a mobile phone


Question 79 of 200


BMAs share the following basic characteristics:

Select one of the following:

  • Importing data, managing data and exporting bibliography

  • Exporting data, managing data and generating bibliography

  • Importing data, keeping data and generating bibliography

  • Importing data, managing data and generating bibliography


Question 80 of 200


The user can "blindly trust" in the list of references generated by BMAs because:

Select one of the following:

  • they are very easy to create with a mouse click

  • the bibliography is used by researchers

  • they never use a word processor

  • the versions are updated, although the final document must be checked

  • they are perfect

  • they have been generated by a machine

  • all the references have been incorporated by librarians


Question 81 of 200


One of the choices is not used to share bibliographic references:

Select one of the following:

  • Endnote

  • Mendeley

  • Refworks

  • Most BMA in their beginnings


Question 82 of 200


Mendeley can help you to...

Select one of the following:

  • keep your bibliographic references in order

  • record your research interviews

  • organise your research notes

  • manage questionnaires


Question 83 of 200


This option will NOT help you to import bibliographic references:

Select one of the following:

  • ATLAS.ti

  • RefWorks

  • Cite U Like

  • Mendely


Question 84 of 200


RIS is a…

Select one of the following:

  • tool to compile e-journals

  • format used to create e-books

  • format used to import and export bibliographic references

  • tool to compress video data


Question 85 of 200


Importing bibliographic references in a direct way means that …
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • you don’t have to save the references into an .xml file to import the info

  • you have to save the references into a file to import the info

  • you don’t have to save the references into a file to import the info

  • you don’t have to save the references into a .txt file to import the info

  • transferring the citation reference with a click

  • saving the citation information as a file in order to be imported by the BMA

  • using catalogues from the BMA

  • E-mailing a citation reference

  • can do it through email

  • can do it from a mobile phone


Question 86 of 200


Cite U Like is… (question 1 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • a classical open source BMA

  • an open source BMA with mobile version included

  • an open source BMA

  • a web-based open source BMA

  • a tool to create publications based on curation

  • a mobile application to manage passwords

  • a social network to share e-books

  • a macro developed by RefWorks to generate bibliographies

  • a macro developed by Mendeley to generate bibliographies

  • one of the most famous commercial BMAs


Question 87 of 200


Most BMA can...

Select one of the following:

  • convert into JPG files whole lists of bibliographies

  • translate keywords from any bibliographic reference

  • categorize data, elaborate bibliographies automatically and be integrated in a word processor

  • design video tutorials to show how to manage bibliographic references


Question 88 of 200


RefWorks is an application to...

Select one of the following:

  • produce text files

  • manage bibliographic references

  • elaborate concept maps

  • subtitle films in an easy way


Question 89 of 200


A BMA is...

Select one of the following:

  • a useful way to find a research topic

  • catalogue of contemporary publications

  • a British Modern Association

  • a Bibliographic Management Application


Question 90 of 200


One of the main differences between pioneer BMAs and web-based ones is that…

Select one of the following:

  • you need to download the software

  • they are free

  • they present their results through hyperlinks instead of tables

  • you don’t need to install any software to use them (in the second option)


Question 91 of 200


Which of these BMA can be used freely?
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Zotero

  • Cite u Like

  • Refworks


Question 92 of 200


Zotero is …
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • one of the most well-known classic BMAs

  • a proprietary license BMA

  • an open source tool to save and share bibliographic references

  • an open source tool to create and share scientific e-journals

  • one of the most commonly used open source BMAs along with Cite-u-Like

  • one of the leading open source BMAs along with Mendeley

  • an application to convert WMA to MP3

  • one of the leading license propriety BMAs along with RefWorks

  • a library catalogue

  • one of the most widely used databases


Question 93 of 200


RefWorks allows you to share your references thanks to...

Select one of the following:

  • its forum

  • its groups option

  • Refshare

  • its network

  • Grab it

  • Write’Cite


Question 94 of 200


One of the most useful features of Mendeley is …

Select one of the following:

  • facilitating the gathering of bibliographic references in a collaborative way

  • exporting directly from most databases and ejournals

  • its text-to-speech option for users with visual impairment

  • The creation of private groups with an unlimited number of members


Question 95 of 200


RefWorks users can trust in the list of references generated by this application because:

Select one of the following:

  • they are very easy to create with a mouse click

  • it has been generated automatically

  • they are never wrong

  • most versions of the bibliographic formats are updated, although the final document must be checked


Question 96 of 200


Which of the following BMAs permits the creation of groups to share bibliographic references?
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Zotero

  • Refworks

  • Mendeley


Question 97 of 200


EndNote is an application to...

Select one of the following:

  • produce text files

  • manage bibliographic references

  • elaborate concept maps

  • manage your e-notes


Question 98 of 200


Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a BMA?
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • accessing the unsubscribed journals from your own institution

  • Importing new data

  • Managing data

  • Generating bibliography

  • inserting the book cover in each reference


Question 99 of 200


Which of this statements is FALSE?

Select one of the following:

  • You can annotate a pdf with text and colours with Mendeley

  • You can share bibliographic references with RefWorks

  • You can add a reference to your Mendeley account by dragging and dropping a pdf from your computer

  • You can insert a video as a bibliographic reference in your Mendeley account


Question 100 of 200


One of the main differences between Mendeley and RefWorks is...

Select one of the following:

  • that, in the second case, you need to install a program on your computer

  • that the second one is completely free

  • that you can only use RefWorks if you or your institution pays for it

  • the first one does not allow the creation of groups


Question 101 of 200


The "Web Importer" is used by .... to obtain data from the web

Select one of the following:

  • EndNote

  • Zotero

  • Mendeley

  • RefWorks


Question 102 of 200


RefShare is...

Select one of the following:

  • the RefWorks tool to share references

  • the Mendeley function to share references

  • the Zotero function to create groups

  • is a RefWorks plugin to import web data


Question 103 of 200


RefWorks allows you to insert in-text citations if you...

Select one of the following:

  • mark the slots where you want to insert them in red colour

  • upload the text to its platform

  • install Write-n-Cite in your PC

  • subscribe to Write-n-Cite notifications


Question 104 of 200


Which of these is NOT a way of importing data into a BMA?

Select one of the following:

  • creating a folder

  • transferring the citation reference from the source directly

  • saving the citation in a file and then importing it

  • Automatically, by accessing directly library catalogues


Question 105 of 200


Which of these is one of the drawbacks of using a word processor to generate bibliography?

Select one of the following:

  • that you have to pay extra to get that plug-in

  • that it does not have as many options as a BMA

  • that the bibliography generated may have more typos than one created by the BMA

  • that it does not allow you to insert quotations while typing


Question 106 of 200


If you want to share bibliographic references with RefWorks...

Select one of the following:

  • you will have to install the Web Importer in your PC

  • you have to use "grab it"

  • you will have to do it through RefShare

  • you will need to install the Web Importer in your browser


Question 107 of 200


Thanks to Mendeley, you will be able to...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • comment other users' references

  • create groups to share references

  • annotate the pdf documents included in the references of your account


Question 108 of 200


To save some references in RefWorks from Dialnet...

Select one of the following:

  • I must click on "Mis Referencias" after having selected the references that I need

  • I must click on "Mis Búsquedas" after having selected the references that I need

  • I must click on "Perfil" after having selected the references that I need

  • I must click on "Selección" after having selected the references that I need


Question 109 of 200


Which of these BMAs allows to annotate PDFs?

Select one of the following:

  • RefWorks

  • Mendeley

  • None of them is correct


Question 110 of 200


The Web Importer is a... (Question 1 of 2)
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • tool to import bibliographic references from RefWorks to Mendeley

  • browser complement provided by Mendeley to import references from the web

  • browser extension provided by Zotero to import references from the web

  • application to convert pdf texts into ebooks

  • tool which captures information from the web and turns it into a PDF document

  • Zotero browser extension which helps with the export of bibliographic references

  • RefWorks browser extension which helps with the export of bibliographic references

  • Mendeley browser extension which helps with the export of bibliographic references


Question 111 of 200


Mendeley allows you to insert in-text citations automatically if you...

Select one of the following:

  • mark the slots where you want to insert them in red colour

  • use the web version

  • download and install the MS Word plugin in your PC

  • install Write-n-Cite in your PC


Question 112 of 200


Why are BMAs so important nowadays?

Select one of the following:

  • because you can install them on your mobile phone

  • because they can help you save time with bibliography revision and citation

  • because they did not exist before

  • due to their low price


Question 113 of 200


Which of these is not a BMA?
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • FreeMind

  • Reference Manager

  • EndNote

  • ProCite

  • AdobeConnect

  • CiteULike

  • Zotero


Question 114 of 200


One of the most relevant features of Mendeley when working collaboratively is...

Select one of the following:

  • that it offers the possibility to maintain and record meeting conversations

  • that you can save references directly

  • that you can run it in a Linux environment

  • the possibility of creating groups


Question 115 of 200


Cite U Like is… (question 2 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • the new name for RefWorks

  • propriety license software to manage bibliographic references

  • an open source word processor with an integrated statistic suite

  • an open source software to manage bibliographic references


Question 116 of 200


The Web Importer is... (Question 1 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • the most common software to analyse data retrieved from social networks

  • a tool to create academic weblogs with a DOI included

  • an extension to import bibliographic references to your Mendeley account

  • the open-source software to record and analyse interviews


Question 117 of 200


BibTeX is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a tool to create wikis

  • a bibliographic format

  • an application to read ebooks

  • a platform to digitalise Classic texts

  • a tool to read RSS

  • an application to create online publications

  • a tool to create weblogs

  • an extension used to save and manage bibliographic references


Question 118 of 200


RefWorks is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • one of the leading web-based BMA along with Endnote (off-line version)

  • one of the leading open source BMA along with Mendeley

  • one of the leading web-based BMA along with ProCite

  • one of the leading license proprietary BMA along with Connotea

  • a free service to look for online articles about English Literature

  • a proprietary BMA to keep resources and insert them in a text document automatically

  • a free web resource to generate bibliographic references in different formats

  • an open-source program to manage bibliographic references


Question 119 of 200


JSTOR... (question 1 of 2)
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • contains Studies in Language and Literature, Applied Linguistics, History and other disciplines related to English Studies (apart from other fields)

  • is an application with a mobile version

  • is based on a Pro-Quest product called Summon

  • is not available in UNED

  • is an online grammar checker developed by Spanish Universities

  • is a repository of datasets

  • is a database and electronic sources platform

  • is a journals recollection

  • is an e-journal

  • is an ebooks database


Question 120 of 200


What is a bibliographic management application?

Select one of the following:

  • a tool to import, keep and organise bibliographic references, among other functions

  • a tool to organise your favourite web sites

  • a tool to read an article from a mobile phone

  • a tool to import journals


Question 121 of 200


JSTOR... (question 2 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • a digital archive of different academic sources

  • an e-journal dealing with British and American literature

  • an application to publish academic works


Question 122 of 200


Ebook Central is... (question 1 of 2)
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a project to digitalise classic books in different languages

  • a project to digitalise classic books in English

  • one of the platforms available at UNED to read books online from home

  • a tool to transform your pdf texts into ebook format

  • an open library to display ebooks and ejournals

  • an online platform to read books previously purchased by your Library / Institution

  • a collection of books dealing with English Studies

  • the Spanish University platform to exchange e-books

  • a software to manage bibliographic references

  • a website to exchange ebooks


Question 123 of 200


Safari books is...

Select one of the following:

  • a tool to transform your PDFs texts into ebook formats

  • one of the platforms available at UNED which provides ebooks

  • a project to digitalise classic books in English

  • an open library


Question 124 of 200


Ebook Central is... (question 2 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • a platform to borrow ebooks from the library

  • a project to digitalise classic books


Question 125 of 200


EndNote is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a social network created for professional aims

  • the open source alternative to EverNote

  • one of the most widely-used BMAs nowadays, along with RefWorks

  • a BMA that needs to be installed in your PC in order to be used

  • a tool to create CoPs

  • a CMC tool to maintain voice chats

  • the name of an aggregator

  • a web-based note taking applications

  • one of the pioneer tools in the field of reference management software


Question 126 of 200


Choose the odd one...

Select one of the following:

  • FreeMind

  • EndNote

  • Zotero

  • Mendeley


Question 127 of 200


Hashtags,lists and mentions are typical from....

Select one of the following:

  • Twitter

  • Blogs

  • Wikis

  • Chats


Question 128 of 200


A wiki ...

Select one of the following:

  • is a website that can be edited by different users.

  • Is a space to hold webinars.

  • is a website created for educational purposes.

  • is a website that can be edited by different users if is has an educational purpose.


Question 129 of 200


WordPress ...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • is a tool to create blogs.

  • a tool to follow blogs

  • an application to migrate contents from MS Word to Blogger and WordPress.


Question 130 of 200


AEDEAN is ...

Select one of the following:

  • a professional association.

  • a tool to create blogs.

  • a CoP to practice languages.

  • a webinar application


Question 131 of 200


Chats, webinars and VoIP are related to ...

Select one of the following:

  • Synchronous communication.

  • Microblogging

  • asynchronous communication.

  • Asynchronous interaction.


Question 132 of 200


Proquest does not permit ....

Select one of the following:

  • Direct export to Mendeley

  • Indirect import to Refworks

  • Direct export to Refworks

  • Indirect export to Mendeley


Question 133 of 200


Mendeley permits the creation of groups ...

Select one of the following:

  • with a limit of 3 members if it is private.

  • with no limit of members if it is open.

  • paying a fee.


Question 134 of 200


When exporting directly from a database to RefWorks ...

Select one of the following:

  • the pdf with the full text is included as well.

  • you need you download the pdf with full-text file first, and then attach it to the bibliographic reference.

  • you need to be subscribed to the journal in question to be able to do it.

  • there is no need to log in before.


Question 135 of 200


Linceo+ can export references in a direct way with ...

Select one of the following:

  • RefWorks

  • Zotero

  • Cite U Like.

  • Mendeley


Question 136 of 200


LION does NOT permit ...

Select one of the following:

  • exporting directly to Mendeley

  • exporting directly to RefWorks

  • exporting indirectly to Mendeley

  • downloading in plain text format


Question 137 of 200


Dialnet is a ...

Select one of the following:

  • a bibliographic database developed by a Spanish University

  • a digital platform to display ebooks

  • a journals content provider

  • the network which provides support to the major academic and scientific Spanish institutions and organizations


Question 138 of 200


Feedly is...

Select one of the following:

  • an RSS aggregator

  • an application to create QR codes

  • a database of Old English texts

  • an online library shared by different Spanish Universities


Question 139 of 200


One of is these databases NOT available at UNED…

Select one of the following:

  • Linguistic Abstract Online

  • ERIC

  • Literature Online

  • Dialnet


Question 140 of 200


The Project Gutenberg is a ...

Select one of the following:

  • volunteer effort to digitalise and archive cultural works, on their site you can read plain text versions of thousands of works

  • project consisting of digitalizing the Gutenberg Bible so that you can browse pages of the original manuscript

  • website which has digitalized early Germanic manuscripts, on their website you can read translations into Modern English

  • database specialised in Nordic and Germanic texts


Question 141 of 200


Thanks to Linceo+, you can...

Select one of the following:

  • read all the e-journals and other e-publications found in the different databases subscribed by the UNED (in full text)

  • have access to every single article retrieved from the catalogue (in full text)

  • have direct access to some of the articles retrieved in a search (in full text)

  • translate any article into your mother language


Question 142 of 200


Examples of synchronic tools are:

Select one of the following:

  • Instant Messaging (IM) and Social Networks

  • VoIP and webinars

  • microblogging and email

  • fora and chats


Question 143 of 200


A CoP has been described by a very famous researcher ...

Select one of the following:

  • as a community of practice languages as L2

  • as a technological platform to share ideas and quotes about different works and their authors

  • as people who share a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact sporadically

  • as groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly


Question 144 of 200


LiveJournal and WordPress are tools to create...

Select one of the following:

  • wikis

  • websites

  • weblogs

  • social networks


Question 145 of 200


The first virtual Communities of Practice were comprised of...

Select one of the following:

  • people suffering from illnesses

  • students doing some research

  • people related to Linguistics

  • study plans designers


Question 146 of 200



Select one of the following:

  • is a rather new concept

  • are not new at all

  • is a very old concept

  • is an acronym that stands for "Community of Proof"


Question 147 of 200


CoP stands for …

Select one of the following:

  • Conference of Practice

  • Community of Pragmatics

  • Community of Practice

  • Community over Practice

  • Communities of Pragmatics

  • Communication of Pragmatics


Question 148 of 200



Select one of the following:

  • is a social network to exchange video files

  • is a social network, very similar to Facebook

  • is an academic network to share publications among other things

  • is a professional social network to share contacts among other things


Question 149 of 200


VoIP and webinars are...

Select one of the following:

  • examples of social networks

  • means to communicate in a synchronous way

  • means to communicate in an asynchronous way

  • spaces to rent in Second Life


Question 150 of 200


WordPress.ti is a tool to create…

Select one of the following:

  • bibliographic references

  • microblogging profiles

  • wikis

  • blogs and websites


Question 151 of 200


The main elements of a CoP are…

Select one of the following:

  • control, community and practice

  • domain, community and practice

  • common sense, community and practice

  • domain, space and practice


Question 152 of 200


The Mixxer and Livemocha are …

Select one of the following:

  • tools to create pdf documents

  • two applications to combine and compress video files

  • CoPs to learn and practise foreign languages

  • tools to create e-books


Question 153 of 200


LinkedIn & Xing are …

Select one of the following:

  • tools to create CVs

  • curating tools

  • networks with professional aims

  • networks with academic aims


Question 154 of 200


Webheads is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • an education and research information center

  • a website where you can find information to carry on qualitative research

  • a CoP to learn languages

  • a CoP founded by language teachers who teach through ICT

  • a CoP focused on teaching languages through technologies


Question 155 of 200


Busuu, Duolingo and Livemocha will provide you with...

Select one of the following:

  • authoring tools to elaborate quizzes to teach foreign languages

  • tools to practice the English language with other students

  • tools to practice foreign languages

  • online books to learn foreign languages


Question 156 of 200



Select one of the following:

  • is a tool to create wikis

  • is the Google application to maintain voice conversations through the Internet

  • is a searcher specialized in academic writers

  • is a tool to create quizzes

  • is a tool to manage blogs

  • is a tool to be used as an open source aggregator

  • is a tool to create online vocabulary quizzes


Question 157 of 200


Choose the odd one...

Select one of the following:

  • Xing

  • Ning

  • WordPress

  • LinkedIn


Question 158 of 200


One of the most common uses of Blackboard Collaborate is...

Select one of the following:

  • to create PDF and JPG files

  • to create wikis collaboratively

  • to maintain synchronous meetings with students

  • to track the advancement of online students


Question 159 of 200


AEDEAN and AESLA are...

Select one of the following:

  • two handbooks of style to format your essays and academic works

  • tools to learn foreign languages online

  • professional associations of Language Studies which have their own distribution lists to announce their own events (and many others related)

  • two of the best know CoP on the Internet to share ICT related matters


Question 160 of 200


Communities of practice…
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • are not exclusively related to learning contexts

  • began by using a Bulletin Board System

  • started with people suffering some illness and contacting others in the same situation


Question 161 of 200


Instant Messaging (IM) is a good tool to do ….

Select one of the following:

  • ACMC

  • BBS

  • SCMC

  • CALL


Question 162 of 200


What is WordPress?

Select one of the following:

  • one of the most common tools to publish online journals

  • one of the best-known word processors

  • a tool to manage passwords

  • a tool to create blogs


Question 163 of 200


A good example of a CoP to learn languages is…
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Dialnet.

  • Luminarium.

  • Livemocha.

  • Lastpass.

  • Busuu.

  • The Mixxer




Question 164 of 200


Which of these tools is the most adequate to do micro-blogging?

Select one of the following:

  • Twitter.

  • LiveJournal.

  • Spontania.

  • PBWorks.


Question 165 of 200


The concept of CoP...

Select one of the following:

  • arose with the spreading of social networks

  • emerged in the 21st century

  • was first studied by Wenger, among other authors

  • is only related to digital environments


Question 166 of 200


EuroCALL is...

Select one of the following:

  • a system of cataloguing databases in Europe

  • an application to create interactive quizzes

  • one of the most important CALL associations in Europe of teachers who use technology to teach and to research on linguistic matters

  • free software to work with corpora


Question 167 of 200


A hashtag...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • is a way to send a message to a twitter user

  • are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol *, a form of metadata tag used in twitter contexts

  • are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol & a form of metadata tag used by twitter users

  • are words or phrases prefixed with the symbol #, a form of metadata tag used by twitter users

  • is a quick way to send private messages to another Twitter user

  • is used by Twitter users to create lists of readers easily

  • is a symbol used by Twitter users to comment of certain topics

  • is used by Twitter to mention some members in their messages

  • is used by Research Gate to follow their members' publications

  • is very useful to find bibliographic references on Linceo+


Question 168 of 200


Instant Messaging (IM) is...

Select one of the following:

  • asynchronous communication

  • a catalogue of contemporary publications

  • of a company of Internet communications

  • SCMC


Question 169 of 200


Which of these is NOT a tool to hold webinars?

Select one of the following:

  • Blackboard Collaborate

  • The Mixxer

  • Adobe Connect

  • AVIP


Question 170 of 200


Which of these is NOT an asynchronous CMC tool?

Select one of the following:

  • Google Hangout

  • LiveJournal

  • Twitter

  • Wikispaces


Question 171 of 200


Which of these is a social network specifically created for academics?

Select one of the following:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Research Gate

  • Instagram


Question 172 of 200


To hold a webinar you need...

Select one of the following:

  • Internet connection and the tool to do it

  • a digital board

  • Video-Conference equipment

  • to pay a license


Question 173 of 200


WordPress is …

Select one of the following:

  • a tool to create CoP mainly

  • a tool to create websites mainly

  • a tool to create wikis mainly

  • is a tool to evaluate essays

  • a tool designed mainly to create weblogs

  • proprietary software to do microblogging

  • an email client software which also allows reading RSS feeds

  • a BMA developed by the Spanish Public Universities to manage International Press

  • one of the most widely used BMAs

  • permits the direct exportation to different databases


Question 174 of 200


Research Gate is quite similar to...

Select one of the following:

  • Academia

  • LinkedIn

  • Facebook

  • Blogger


Question 175 of 200


Why should you know about AESLA and AEDEAN?

Select one of the following:

  • Because they are leading examples in how to use social networks in CoP

  • Because they are professional associations relevant to your field of knowledge

  • Because they both focus on English literature


Question 176 of 200


Twitter allows you to...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • send private tweets

  • reply to other users

  • create lists


Question 177 of 200


Lists, mentions and hashtags are all three characteristics of...

Select one of the following:

  • Twitter

  • Weblogs

  • Wikis

  • Hangout


Question 178 of 200


You can see "pages", "groups" and "events" at...

Select one of the following:

  • LinkedIn

  • Research Gate

  • Academica

  • Facebook


Question 179 of 200


Academia is…
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • a social network created to share the scientific production of European Universities

  • a social network created to share the scientific production of Spanish Universities

  • a social network created to share the scientific production of its members

  • a social network only for Scientists

  • a database for medieval manuscripts

  • a website to find native speakers to practice foreign languages

  • a scientific social network

  • a platform to deliver webinars


Question 180 of 200


Which of theses is NOT a good example of SCMC?

Select one of the following:

  • Whatsapp

  • Skype

  • Hangout

  • Wikis


Question 181 of 200


Which of these CoP is aimed for foreign language learning?

Select one of the following:


  • Busuu




Question 182 of 200


LinkedIn is a social network ...

Select one of the following:

  • designed for research aims

  • for students exchanges

  • focused on professional aims

  • based on microblogging


Question 183 of 200


Which application doesn't include "Groups" as one of its features?

Select one of the following:

  • Wordpress

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Skype


Question 184 of 200


Webinars are based on...

Select one of the following:

  • ACMC

  • SCMC

  • text conversations

  • microblogging technology


Question 185 of 200


WordPress allows you to...
(3 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • create blogs

  • follow other WordPress blogs

  • re-blog other WordPress posts to your WordPress blog


Question 186 of 200


Once you subscribe to a Twitter list,

Select one of the following:

  • you will receive all the tweets sent by its members

  • you will receive all the tweets sent by its followers

  • all of its members must be your followers

  • you cannot subscribe others


Question 187 of 200


Choose the odd one:

Select one of the following:

  • concord

  • keywords

  • frequency

  • hashtag


Question 188 of 200


One of the advantages of Skype for Business version is that you...

Select one of the following:

  • can see the face of the other speaker

  • can use it in your mobile phone as well

  • can add up to 250 people in the same conversation at the same time

  • can print out all your conversations


Question 189 of 200


What does this "#unit3_apps_tic_ei" mean?

Select one of the following:

  • It is used by WordPress to categorise posts

  • It is used by Twitter to mention some member on its message

  • We use it to tweet something related to the unit 3 of our subject

  • It is the title of the section in this course

  • It does not have any specific meaning


Question 190 of 200


Adobe Connect is...

Select one of the following:

  • an Adobe option to edit audio files

  • an app which is very similar to WhatsApp

  • a platform to hold webinars

  • a professional network to connect contacts from different users


Question 191 of 200


Re-blogging is...

Select one of the following:

  • a tool to read RSS

  • an application to create online publications

  • an option found in most WordPress posts to share them with other blogs (of your own)

  • is an option found in most Blogs posts to share them with other blogs (of your own)


Question 192 of 200


The VoIP tool available at UNED to enable synchronous conversations is...

Select one of the following:

  • LION

  • Skype for Business

  • Skype

  • Outlook


Question 193 of 200


A Wiki can be defined as...

Select one of the following:

  • a smart board used in higher education

  • a website that can be created and managed thanks to the collaboration of different users

  • a text file built and maintained from different mobile devices

  • the application used to create Wikipedia


Question 194 of 200


Busuu ...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • is a CoP based on Video Chat to practice foreign languages

  • is a CoP based on text Chat to practice foreign languages

  • is a CoP based on voice Chat to practice foreign languages

  • is a CoP based on webinars to practice foreign languages

  • is an association of British literature experts who use a forum to communicate

  • is an application to deliver questionnaires

  • is a tool to record interviews

  • is a CoP to learn and practice foreign languages

  • is a professional association of Corpus Linguistics professionals

  • is an example of proofreading software


Question 195 of 200


Which of these does NOT allow the creation of groups?

Select one of the following:

  • WhatsApp

  • Skype

  • Facebook

  • AVIP


Question 196 of 200


Blackboard Collaborate is...
(2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • an interactive blackboard where either students and tutors could write on

  • a Google+ element to organize videoconferences

  • the combination of different voice technologies that includes options of moderation, groups creation, recording, etc. thought to work in a synchronous way.

  • a platform to deliver tutorships in a synchronous environment

  • a software to edit documents in pdf format

  • an application to make word clouds

  • a tool to hold and manage webinars

  • an email client application


Question 197 of 200


Science Direct is... (question 1 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • a platform that shows content from different publications apart from having digitalized many others written before 1995

  • a platform recently acquired by Scopus

  • a platform that has digitalized many books and articles

  • a platform that shows content from different science and technology publications

  • a new browser to do quantitative research

  • a database comprised of linguistics journals mainly

  • a tool to help you organize your qualitative data

  • a tool to shorten the links of your bibliographic references

  • an application to export bibliographic references to Mendeley in a direct way


Question 198 of 200


Research Gate is…

Select one of the following:

  • a professional network specialized in increasing the social relationships of its members

  • an academic social network specialized in publishing the books of its members

  • a social network specialized in spreading the professional events of its members

  • a professional website to find jobs related to the academic world

  • a CoP to find jobs related to the academic world

  • an online proofreading service provided to some private organisations involved in research projects

  • an academic forum to exchange information about linguistic and literary matters

  • a compilation of English language studies created by undergraduate students

  • a mobile app to locate libraries and educational institutions nearby

  • an academic social network specialized in spreading scientific production of its members and to follow the publication of its members


Question 199 of 200


Science Direct is... (question 2 of 2)

Select one of the following:

  • a platform that shows content from e-journals and other electronic resources

  • a platform that shows content dealing with digital literacy


Question 200 of 200


ERIC is … (question 2 of 3)

Select one of the following:

  • an e-journals provider related to the field of Education and Technology

  • a famous curation tool

  • a CoP focused on debating topics related to teaching languages

  • a VoIP tool to learn foreign languages

  • open source software to manage bibliographical references

  • a European institution for Education and Communication

  • database specialised in English studies

  • a free online service to help you elaborate your own abstract in different languages

  • a British database of the history of literature

  • an open database to find out information about Education in general
