soozi fullstop
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

So, you think you're reliable? Find out now. Sort of. Maybe this quiz isn't a reliable way of telling if you are reliable or if your knowledge is reliable. OOOoooOOOoooooOO unreliable!

soozi fullstop
Created by soozi fullstop over 9 years ago

Reliability and Validity Quiz! What are the different types?

Question 1 of 12


The extent to which observers agree, calculated by dividing the total agreements by total number of observations. Results of 0.8 to 1 are good.

Select one of the following:

  • Inter-observer reliability

  • Internal reliability

  • External reliability

  • Inter-reviewer reliability

  • Split-half method

  • Test-retest method

  • Internal Validity

  • External Validity


Question 2 of 12


A measure of the extent to which something is consistent within itself. e.g. all the questions on an IQ test should be measuring the same thing.

Select one of the following:

  • Inter-observer reliability

  • Internal reliability

  • External reliability

  • Inter-interviewer reliability

  • Split-half method

  • Test-retest method

  • Internal validity

  • External Validity

  • Observer bias

  • Face validity


Question 3 of 12


Reliability means

Select one or more of the following:

  • Consistency

  • Replication


Question 4 of 12


A measure of consistency over several different occasions, e.g. if the same interview by the same interviewer with the same interviewee was conducted one day then a week later, outcome should be the same- otherwise interviewer = unreliable.

Select one of the following:

  • External reliability

  • Inter-observer reliability

  • Internal validity

  • internal reliability

  • external validity

  • Observer bias

  • concurrent validity

  • My buttocks are smooth, my mind is clear, vote Ukip.


Question 5 of 12


Achieved if two interviewers produce the same outcome, like inter-observer reliability.

Select one of the following:

  • Inter-interviewer reliability

  • Inter-observer reliability

  • Internal reliability

  • Test-retest method

  • Observer bias


Question 6 of 12


Compare a person's performance on two halves of a questionnaire or test. If the test is assessing the same thing in all its questions, then there should be a close correlation between both halves' scores. This helps measure internal reliability.

Select one of the following:

  • Split-half method

  • Test-retest method

  • Observer bias

  • The Queen in a leotard

  • Concurrent validity

  • Observer biased-ness-noss-nessity


Question 7 of 12


Involves giving an individual a test on one occasion, then this is repeated again after an interval, e.g. 1 month. If the measure is reliable, the outcome should be the same every time.

Select one of the following:

  • Test-retest method

  • Cin yew till wat eet ees yit?

  • Split-half method

  • Inter-interviewer reliabili8ty

  • Internal reliability

  • Concurrent validity

  • Internal validity

  • Observer bias


Question 8 of 12


Is this an inter-observer reliability strengthening technique?
'Training observers in the use of a coding system/behaviour checklist'

Select one of the following:

  • Euh... Ouais!

  • Mais non! Zut alors!

  • euh... bof....*shrugs*


Question 9 of 12


Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure, or are EVs getting in the way?

Select one of the following:

  • Internal validity

  • External validity

  • Observer bias

  • face validity

  • Concurrent validity

  • Internal reliability

  • External reliability


Question 10 of 12


Made up of population, time, and ecological

Select one of the following:

  • External validity

  • External reliability

  • Internal reliability

  • Internal validity

  • Concurrent validity


Question 11 of 12


When what someone observes is influenced by their expectations

Select one of the following:

  • Observer bias

  • Inter-observer reliability

  • face validity

  • inter-interviewer reliability

  • MInd yer own business.


Question 12 of 12


Whether the test looks as though it is measuring what the researcher intends to measure, e.g. Are the questions in an interview obviously related to a topic?

Select one of the following:

  • Face validity

  • Concurrent validity

  • Reliability

  • Validity
