Created by Callum Dwyer
almost 10 years ago
Drought Case Study: 'The Big Dry'
The Murray-Darling Drainage Basin
The Murray-Darling Drainage Basin (2)
Beginnings of the Drought
Australia's Patterns of Rainfall
Past Droughts
Impacts on Agriculture by 2007
Social Impacts by 2007
Social Impacts (2)
Environmental Impacts by 2007
Economic Impacts by 2007
Causes of the Drought - El Niño
Southern Oscillation Index
Causes - Climate Change
Improving Water Security
The Plan: Modernising Irrigation Methods
- In an average year, irrigated agriculture uses roughly 70% of Australia's water.
- Up to 65% of this water is lost or wasted.
Addressing Over-Allocation in the MDB
Over Allocation is where more entitlements to irrigation water have been issued than can be sustained.
Reforming the Management of the MDB
- The MDB is home to over 2 million people and a further million rely on its water
- The land and water of the MDB are of great economic importance
Upgrading Water Information
As water becomes more scarce and demand increases, it is vital to monitor the resource and its use, at a national level, a basin scale, and for individual farms.
The Australian Government Water Fund
Water Smart Australia
Lake Brewster Water Efficiency Project
Lake Brewster Water Efficiency Project - Aims
Changing Farming
Changing Farming (2)
Desalination Plants
Urban dams and Disused Reservoirs