What is the following structure called?
The primitive streak is indicative of gastrulation occuring.
The ectoderm gives rise to...
Nervous system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Gastrointestinal system
The mesoderm gives rise to...
Connective tissue
Urinary system
Gastrointestinal tract
The endoderm gives rise to...
The notochord forms from the notochordal plate in a cranial to caudal sequence.
What substances does the primitive node release?
Brain derived neurotrophic factor
The function of NODAL is...
Maintains the primitive streak
Stimulates skin formation from the ectoderm
Stimulates cranial structure and nervous system development
The function of BMP4 is...
The function of Noggin is...
Neurulation is folding of the neural plate which continues until formation of a neural tube. The closure disconnects the neural crest from the ectoderm, also forming neural crest cells.
The notochord releases BMP that patterns the ventral side of the neural tube which gives the precursor to the motor neurones of the ventral spinal cord
Neural crest cells are formed when the neural tube closes and detaches from the ectoderm. Give some examples of where they may migrate and what structures develop.
Ectoderm - melanocytes
Mesoderm - ganglia, bones of the face and skull
Endoderm - urinary system
Spina Bifida is caused by failure of the neural tube to close.
NODAL helps to establish internal asymmetry.
Mutations in SHH leads to lack of bilateral symmetry and development of conditions like cyclopsia.
Hox genes control body segmentation; essentially determining what section of the body will become what particular limb etc.
The visceral layer of the lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to what structure?
GI tract
The parietal layer of the lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to what structures?
Bones of limbs
Connective tissue of limbs
Urogenital system
The intermediate mesoderm gives rise to what structure?
The paraxial mesoderm differentiates into dermatome, myotome and sclerotome. What will the dermatome become?
The paraxial mesoderm differentiates into dermatome, myotome and sclerotome. What will the myotome become?
The paraxial mesoderm differentiates into dermatome, myotome and sclerotome. What will the sclerotome become?
What structures may the pharyngeal pouches give rise to?
Palatine tonsils
Parathyroid gland
Thymus gland
Thyroid gland
Cricoid cartilage
Neural crest cells migrate to the pharyngeal arches. Failure of migration can lead to conditions such as spina bifida.
What muscular and skeletal structures arise from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of mastication
Muscles of facial expression
Styloid process
What muscular and skeletal structures arise from the 2nd pharyngeal arch?
What muscular and skeletal structures arise from the 3rd pharyngeal arch?
Thyroid cartilage
What muscular and skeletal structures arise from the 4th pharyngeal arch?
Pharyngeal constrictors
What muscular and skeletal structures arise from the 6th pharyngeal arch?
Intrinsic muscles of the larynx
The medial nasal prominences fuse to form the secondary palate.
The maxillary prominences fuse to form the secondary palate.