I promote cell elongation and inhibit the growth of side-shoots. What am I?
abscissic acid
We inhibit abscission. What are we?
I promote cell division and delay senescence (ageing). What am I?
I promote fruit ripening. What am I?
I inhibit seed germination and growth. What am I?
I promote seed germination and growth of stems. What am I?
I cause stomatal closure when little water is available. What am I?
I am used to promote female sex expression in cucumbers. What am I?
I am used to make seedless fruit. What am I?
I am used to improve fruit shape. What am I?
In callus tissue culture, I am used to promote bud and shoot growth. What am I?
I am used as a herbicide. What am I?
I am used to promote fruit ripening and drop. What am I?
I am used to lengthen the shelf life of some fruits by preventing ageing. What am I?
In callus tissue culture, I am used to promote root growth. What am I?
I am used to prevent lettuce leaves from yellowing once picked. What am I?
I can be used in brewing to germinate barley seeds. What am I?