What is the distance between Uhad and Madinah?
5 andhalf kilometres
6 and ahalf kilometres
7 kilometers
Who was the leader of gazwae uhad from mushrikeen of Quraish
Abu sufyan
Khaled bin waleed
Abu jahal
Which sahabi resembled Rasoolallah s.a.w and was martyred thinking him to be prophet.
Mussab bin omer
Saad bin Abi waqqas
Abdur rehmaan bin auf
Rafae bin khateej from among children got permission to take part in jange uhad
Who attacked the 10 archers from behind and killed them while the other 40 went down the mountain to collect maale_ ganimath.
Talha bin abi Talha
Jable Ainain is also called jabal of archers.
The number of Muslim fighters against 3000 mushrikeens of quraish in jange uhad was
Who killed Hamzah r.a
Wahshi bin Harb
Khaleed bin waleed
Hinda, the wife of Abu sufyaan ate the liver of which sahabi?
Hamza r.a
Hanzala r.a
Mussab bin omair r.a
Muslims lost in jange uhad because________
The archers didn't stick to orders of Rasoolallah s.a.w
The mushrikeen were more powerful and great in number than muslims.
The women of mushrikeen greately helped them in war to defeat Muslims