Created by Clelia Serra
almost 10 years ago
If an accident occurred during chlorine manufacture, people dealing with the incident would wear breathing masks. Explain why. (2)
Explain in terms of intermolecular bonds, why chlorine is a gas at room temperature and pressure, but bromine is a liquid under the same conditions.
Should talk about how intermolecular bonds aries (5)
What is meant by dynamic equilibrium (2)
The student wanted to dry liquid 1-chlorobutane.
Name a drying agent to use
Name another gas, not CO2, which is present in vehicle exhaust fumes which is a pollutant.
Explain why this causes a pollutant effect. (2)
Suggest two ways of reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere other than storing under the ocean (2)
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Explain how increased concentrations of CO2 in the troposphere could be linked to global warming, saying where the energy comes from originally. (6)
poly(ethene) can be converted into 1-phenylethanol.
Suggest reagents and conditions that can be used to achieve this
Name the type of bond breaking process that occurs to form hydroxyl radicals from water molecules
Carbon dioxide is a gas room temperature. Silicon dioxide is a solid at room temp.
Explain this difference in terms of bonding and structure (3)
Explain the source of IR radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide and the possible link between increased concentrations of CO2 in the troposphere and global warming (6)
Bromomethane and chloromethane are both present in the atmosphere. Explain how chloromethane causes ozone depletion in the stratosphere and suggest why bromomethane has a lower ozone depleting potential than chloromethane.
Poly(but-2-ene) can be used to make pipes for water supplies. Suggest two properties of poly(but-2-ene) that make them them suitable for this use
Propan-1-ol has a higher boiling point than propene, explain this in terms of intermolecular bonding (4)
Student carried out the reaction of propene with hydrogen at room temperature and pressure. What catalyst would be required under these conditions. (1)
Iodine can be obtained by burning seaweed, the intermolecular bond between iodine molecules is instantaneous-induced dipole.
Explain how this type of bond forms (3)
Suggest why chlorine atoms are more readily reduced than iodine atoms (2)
The OH group in an alcohol can be oxidised by heating under relux with appropriate reagents. Give the reagents that would be needed for the reaction to occur (2)
Describe and explain how the rate of reaction varies under different temperature conditions (5)
Explain why a reaction is faster in the presence of a catalyst
Explain how the presence of ozone in the stratosphere benefits us (3)
What are the disadvantages of having a build-up of tropospheric ozone
Describe how you would carry out the heating under reflux in a lab
Suggest two advantages for heating under reflux (2)
bromobutane was contaminated with another organic liquid. Name the process you would use to seperate these two liquids
Name a source of propene used in industrial process
In a reaction how can the OH- ion be a nucleophile?
Suggest a property of expanded poly(phenylethene) other than insolubility which makes it suitable for building houses
Explain the meaning of a thermoplastic
Explain why the use of finely divided powder increases the reaction time
Poly(ethanol) forms hydrogen bonds between chains.
Poly(phenylethene) forms id-id bonds between its chains.
- Explain how hydrogen and id-id bonds are formed
-Explain why poly(ethenol) is slightly soluble in water, where as poly(phenylethene) isn't (7)
The first ionisation enthalpy for potassium is less than for sodium, explain why (2)
Describe the structure and bonding of diamond
Describe the theoretcal work and research that led to the discovery of ozone depletion in the stratophere, and how the evidence was overlooked (3)
Explain how an increase in the concentration of a greenhouse gas leads to an enhanced greenhouse effect
Describe the evidence for the relationship between the increased concentration of greenhouse gases and global warming (1)
Explain why adding chlorine to water can stop the spread of cholera
Suggest two reasons why it may be preferable to use calcium chlorate rather than chlorine for treating drinking water (2)
Give one use for chlorine other than water treatment
Methanal can be made from methanol in a lab, give the reagents and conditions required for the reaction (3)
Describe and explain:
- Why the presence of ozone in the stratosphere is important to humans
- The natural processes by which ozone is formed in the stratosphere.
Name the type of intermolecular bond present between molecules of water. Explain how these intermolecular. (3)
Alcohol reacts with hydrogen by an addition reaction. Give the conditions that are required for this reaction (2)
Explain what is meant by the fingerprint region in an infrared spectrum and explain the significance of the fingerprint region (2)
Methanol can be converted to chloromethane. Give the reagent and conditions required. (2)
Describe how halogenalkanes deplete ozzone and give the evidence for the ozone depletion (3)
Is the molecules hydrogen sulfide polar? (2)
Suggest two changes that a chemical company could make to its processes to achieve a reduction in the rate of increase in the rate of increase of CO2 levels (2)
Explain how bonds between atoms vibrating more result in warming the atmosphere
Suggest why the balance between CO2 (g) in the troposphere and CO2 (aq) in the oceans cannot be regarded as a true dynamic equilibrium (1)
Explain, in terms of reactivity of HCFC's in the statosphere, why scientists think HFC's are a good long-term solution as a replacement for CFC's
State one advantage and one disadvantage of using HFC's in place of CFC's
Compounds; A (tertiary alcohol), B (primary alcohol) are heated under reflux in separate containers with acidified potassium dichromate (vI) solution.
Describe the colour change, if any, in each case and explain your answer in terms of alcohol groups in compounds A and B
Explain why CFC's are not broken down in the troposhphere and how CFC's contribute to the breakdown of ozone in the stratosphere (5)
Describe an explain the effect of an increase in pressure on the rate of reaction (3)
Use ideas about intermolecular bonding to explain bromomethane has a higher boiling point than chloromethane (2)
Give the reagents and conditions for the reaction of an alkene with hydrogen (2)
Propene reacts with water forming propan-1-ol.
Propan-1-ol has a higher boiling point than propene
Explain this difference i boiling points in terms of intermolecular bonding
A student wanted to test whether a solution contained Chloride ions.
What reagent would they need to use?
What would be the result if there was chloride ions present?
What's the strongest type of bond that can form between propanone and ethanol
Explain how an increase in the concentration of a greenhouse gas leads to an enhanced greenhouse effect (2)
Describe one natural process that causes ozone to be broken down in the stratosphere (2)
Describe one natural process that caused ozone to be formed from O2 in the stratosphere (3)
Explain why CO2 molecules absorb only certain frequencies of IR