Jordan James
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Review questions for the Fall 2020 MDIA 101-002 final examination.

Jordan James
Created by Jordan James almost 4 years ago

MDIA 101-002 Final Exam Review

Question 1 of 12


A message being sent through the media must be _______ before it can be transmitted.

Select one of the following:

  • encoded

  • decoded

  • channeled

  • reprocessed


Question 2 of 12


Alicia is attending a concert in a coffee house. She is engaging in which of the following types of communication?

Select one of the following:

  • Intrapersonal communication

  • Interpersonal communication

  • Group communication

  • Mass communication


Question 3 of 12


Luis has just woken up. He debates within his own head whether he would rather sleep in or attend his early morning class. Luis has been using which of the following types of communication?

Select one of the following:

  • Intrapersonal communication

  • Interpersonal communication

  • Group communication

  • Mass communication


Question 4 of 12


The _______ model of mass communication looks at the process of mass communication by considering each of the elements of how a mass media message is sent and received.

Select one of the following:

  • transmission

  • ritual

  • publicity

  • reception


Question 5 of 12


A media scholar is trying to find out whether Internet- or television-based political ads are more persuasive. What kind of effects is he looking for?

Select one of the following:

  • message effects

  • media effects

  • ownership effects

  • active audience effects


Question 6 of 12


A newspaper runs stories that suggest most people in the country support cutting taxes. After reading the stories, people who support raising taxes tend to keep quiet because they think their neighbors support tax cuts. This would be an example of which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • agenda setting

  • spiral of silence

  • social learning

  • formative theory


Question 7 of 12


Martha watches quite a bit of television, including a lot of crime dramas. She believes that the city she lives in has a much higher crime rate than it actually does. You could explain this using which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • uses and gratification theory

  • mean world syndrome

  • social learning

  • assumptive behavior


Question 8 of 12


_______ is where a media company uses its combined properties to promote each other and add value to the company.

Select one of the following:

  • Synergy

  • Broadband networks

  • e-commerce

  • Competition


Question 9 of 12


_______ is one of the leading new media companies in the world.

Select one of the following:

  • Gannett Corporation

  • Alphabet/Google

  • Youtube

  • iHeartMedia


Question 10 of 12


Big box retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target that sell CDs and movies would be considered part of which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • fat body

  • short head

  • mid-list

  • long tail


Question 11 of 12


Papyrus is which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • An ancient form of writing using symbols to stand for ideas

  • An ancient form of writing using symbols for sound

  • An early writing surface made from animal skin

  • An early writing surface made of reeds by the Egyptians


Question 12 of 12


What invention directly led to the production of inexpensive dime novels?

Select one of the following:

  • Gutenberg's typemold and printing press

  • The steam-powered rotary press

  • Desktop publishing programs on the Macintosh computer

  • the Internet
