Created by Robin Pearce
almost 10 years ago
Prohibition on Tariff Barriers to Trade?
What are the two defining elements of a customs duty?
A case where the two defining elements of a customs duty were established
Case on Inspection?
Criteria for lawful inspection?
For a Charge for Services Rendered to escape art 30 TFEU what must it be?
Case for although not a customs charge in the strict sense does the charge have the same effect? I.e. is it a CEE?
Case for:
a charge is a CEE unless it is a charge for a service actually rendered
What is the difference between tarriff barriers and non-tarriff barriers?
Definitiion of a quantitative restriction?
Case which defines a quantitative restriction?
Prohibition on quantitative restrictions?
MEQR's means....
Case which defined 'MEQR'?
Dassonville definition of a MEQR?
Expired Directive that helps define scope of MEQR?
2 catagories of MEQR established by Dir 70/50
example of distinctly applicable MEQR?
example of indistinctly applicable MEQR?
Obligation to ensure the free movement of goods?
What case is the Rule of Reason from?
What is the Cassis de Dijon rule of reason?
Case that states the Cassis de Dijon rule of reason only applies to indistinctly applicable measures?
What are four original mandatory requirements for the Cassis de Dijon rule of reason?
Cases that extended the mandatory requirements?
As well as being a mandatory requirement what else must a measure be to come under the rule of reason?
Cases on proportionality?
Selling arrangements main case?
What is Duel Burden?
What is equal burden
What does Art 36 TFEU provide?
What are the Art 36 TFEU justifications?
Case which says the Art 36 justifications cannot be extended?