Created by Rae Leigh Cawley
over 9 years ago
Who is a carer?
What affects care relationships?
What is care?
What are the features of the sick role?
What is personalisation?
What are the 7 stages of transition?
What is assisted technology?
What are direct payments?
What are the 4 Health and Social Care inspectorates ?
What is a total institution?
What are the 5 principles of care?
What is knowledge-based care?
What are the 5 rules for handling personal information?
What are the benefits of enabling environments?
How do institutions effect people?
What are the 3 types of accommodation for people who cannot stay in their own homes?
What causes institutionalisation?
What are the characteristics of total institutional?
What is the inmate role?
What is person-centred care?
What are the 9 types of abuse?
What are the 4 types of accountability?
What are the 4 eligibility levels for social care funding?
How do people being cared for by their family feel?
What are attitudinal barriers?
What is batch living?
What is the sick role?
For what reasons do local authorities provide people with social care?
What are environmental barriers?
What is abuse and how does it happen?
What are the psychological characteristics of care environments?
What are the negatives about protocols and guidelines?
What are structural barriers?
How can organisations make care safer?
What are the drawbacks of paperwork?
What are the advantages of electronic record keeping?
What are the limitations of evidence-based care?
What are the physical characteristics of care environments?
What is explicit consent?
How do people depersonalise others?
What is implied consent?
What are the benefits of evidence-based care?
What are the benefits of good record keeping?
What are the social characteristics of care environments?
What are the health and safety risks for care practitioners?
What are the disadvantages of electronic records?
How can transitions be made more positive?
What is the biopsychosocial model of illness?
What is the institutional perspective?
How do people adjust to institutional life?
What is binary management?
What are barriers to communication?
What are the criteria for claiming Carer's Allowance?
Why is it difficult to identify carers?
What is the biomedical model of illness?
How has care changed?
What are the benefits of direct payments?
How do people move into health & social care settings?
What is confidentiality and when can it be breached?