Gabrielle Hamer
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Short quiz on Adenauer's successes with Western integration.

Gabrielle Hamer
Created by Gabrielle Hamer over 9 years ago

Adenauer's relations with the West (successes)

Question 1 of 11


The Petersberg Agreements (Nov 1949)...

Select one of the following:

  • Allowed he FRG to join the Council of Europe as a proper member, gave them the right to set up consulates in other countries and direct representation in NATO.

  • Allowed the The FRG to join the Council of Europe as an associate member, gave them the right to set up consulates in other countries and direct representation on the OEEC.

  • Gave them direct representation on the OEEC and abolished the Occupation Statutes


Question 2 of 11


What year did the FRG join the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

Select one of the following:

  • 1952

  • 1951

  • 1955

  • 1963


Question 3 of 11


The General Treaty (January 1951) did what three things?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Abolished the Occupation Statute

  • Recognised the FRG's sovereignty in international affairs and its membership in the EDC

  • Instructed West Germany to pay an annual sum to cover Marshall Plan credits

  • Committed the FRG to working for a unified democratic Germany which could be integrated into the EDC at a later date.


Question 4 of 11


Which treaty replaced the Ruhr Statute, benefited France, eliminated tariffs and created a free labour market in Western Europe?

Select one of the following:

  • The EDC Treaty (May 1952)

  • The Brussels Pact (October 1954)

  • Treaty of Rome (March 1957)

  • ECSC Treaty (April 1951)


Question 5 of 11


The EDC Treaty (May 1952) did what two things?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Committed the FRG to paying an annual sum to cover Marshall Plan credits

  • Forced the FRG to work towards a democratic unified Germany

  • Allowed the FRG to establish a Bundeswehr

  • Gave the FRG military security

  • Showed Adenauer being flexible voluntarily

  • Allowed FRG to repay pre-war loans.


Question 6 of 11


Adenauer formed excellent relations with the new US Secretary of State...

Select one of the following:

  • Dean Acheson

  • John Kerry

  • Harrison F. Matthews

  • John Foster Dulles

  • Dean Rusk


Question 7 of 11


The Brussels Pact of October 1954 did what three things?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Lifted all restrictions on the Germany economy and scientific research

  • Allowed West Germany to store US nuclear weapons

  • Returned the Saar to West Germany

  • Allowed the FRG to set up a Bundeswehr

  • Set out terms for economic, social and cultural co-operation as well as collective defence.

  • Set up the European Economic Council of Europe


Question 8 of 11


Adenauer showed flexibility when he did what?

Select one of the following:

  • Renounced nuclear weapons and agreed to keep the West German army limited in size and under strict civilian control

  • Pulled France closer during the Berlin Crisis

  • Allowed nuclear weapons to be based on US soil in 1956


Question 9 of 11


Which treaty set up the European Economic Council (EEC) which began in January 1958?

Select one of the following:

  • The Treaty of Rome (March 1957)

  • The Elysee Treaty

  • The Brussels Pact (October 1954)

  • The EDC Treaty (May '52)


Question 10 of 11


What year was the FRG admitted as a member of NATO?

Select one of the following:

  • 1955

  • 1958

  • 1952

  • 1960


Question 11 of 11


What treaty was signed in January 1963?

Select one of the following:

  • The Elysee Treaty

  • The EDC Treaty

  • The ECSC Treaty
