Created by shenaii matlock
almost 10 years ago
Copied by lewishancock
almost 10 years ago
What does it mean to believe?
What is a Creed?
What are the Two Creeds? and there meaning?
What is the Pentecost Story?
What are the 7 gifts of the holy spirit?
Why was the Council of Nicea held?
2 examples of literary lanuage and figurative?
What is literal language?
What is Figurative language?
Whats a myth?
What is a biblical Fundamentalism?
What is a historical story?
What is a Prophecy?
What is Laws?
Poetry and songs
What is the Gospel?
What is the Apocalyptic Writing?
Religious Belief?
Background of council of Nicea
What is the Angelus?
What is the memorare?
Major Feast Days
Types Of Mysteries
What Church Teaches About Mary
Marian Prayer