How much was Roger de Lacy fined for inheriting Pontefract (in Richard's reign)
What did Harvey Bagot offer for Stafford
What did Hubert Walter Demand (in Richard's reign)
What amount of royal lands did Richard give away
Who led a revolt in London in 1196
How much did the Barons pay into the Exchequer
In Henrys reign?
In Richards Reign?
Who objected to Hubert Walter's demands for 300 Knights to serve for 1 year in 1197
Bristol Tallage
When was there particularly aggressive exploitation of debita Judeorum
What happened in 1210 (Jews)
Who (significantly) was hanged in 1210
What happened to a Bristol Jew in 1210
Fourth Lateran Council
when was the attack on the London Jewry
'It seemed to Christian plaintiffs that crown officials under John favoured Jews'
Who said it
Name 4 significant individuals out the country at the time of the York Pogrom
By the York Pogrom, how long had York not had an Archbishop
Sheriff of Yorkshire removed 1189
Why is this significant
Archbishop of Canterbury
How many Jews in York (around the Pogrom)
Leaders of the York Jewry
What was Benedict by March 1190
Main barons involved in the York Pogrom
Who was the new Sherriff of Yorkshire 1190
Who was the Castellan of Clifford's Tower
When did the Jews commit mass suicide
What happened to the Jews that did not die
What was Richards reaction to the York Pogrom
What happened to John Marshall after the York Pogrom
Whose lands were confiscated by Richard after the York Pogrom
What does the 1159 tax on the Jews reveal
What do the Charters state are Jewish Rights are
Terms of Avranches, 1172
Lawyer at Avranches, 1172
How does Anne Duggan describe Becket and Henry's relationship
After 1176 what was the ruling on 'criminous clerks'
'The murder had a catastrophic effect on Henry and his reputation never really recovered from it'
Who said this about Becket's murder
How did Henry II gain papal excusal and not have to go on Crusade (As he had promised at Avranches, 1172)
Archbishop of Canterbury (1174)
Despite Avranches Henry continued to control church elections. How many bishops did he elect in 1173
What did Henry II promise regarding vacant bishoprics in 1176
Examples of Henry II continuing to keep Church positions vacant despite 1176 promise not to
In 1172 how much did Henry II gain from Church vacancies
How much in 1184
Examples of King John's act that suggest genuine piety
Who did the Canterbury Monks elect as Archbishop of Canterbury
Who did John want
Who did the Pope appoint
What did John have to do after becoming a Papal Vassal
How much did John gain from Church property he seized during the Interdict
What evidence is there to suggest that before 1212 the Interdict doesn't seem to have had much effect
'This unexpected move worked like a charm, Innocent was delighted'
Which historian said this about John becoming a Papal Vassal
Other prominent rulers that had held the status of Papal Vassal
What does Harper-Billl consider John becoming a Papal Vassal to be
What does The Barnwell Chronicle consider John becoming a Papal Vassal to be
'From the moment he ...made his kingdom part of St. Peters patrimony, there was no prince in the Roman world who would dare attack him or invade his land'
Evidence of the Pope protecting John from the Capetians
John got his way in all ... (how many)... elections after 1213
Examples that Henry II restored royal authority over the Church despite Becket dispute
When did Louis marry Eleanor of Aquitaine
When did he go on the Second Crusade
When did Henry II swear homage to Louis, granting him the Norman Vexin temporarily
When did Henry II perform homage to Louis VII for his continental possessions
What did Louis do in 1159
When did Henry II seize the Vexin and how
In the 3 weeks after the fall of Chateau Gaillard what important territories did Phillip gain
When was the Battle of Bouvines
Where and When was John defeated in 1214
Why could John set off on French campaign earlier and when did he try
Who met with the rebels at Oxford in February 1215
What is the King trying to do here
Why is John in a stronger position by April 1215
Who is a chief draftsman of Magna Carta
What could this indicate
Which of Richard's important diplomatic alliances did John lose
Why is it significant
How much did Richard spend on Chateau Gaillard compared to other castles
What did Richard have to do at Bonmoulins
When was Bonmoulins
What did it allow Richard to do
After the 1193 revolt, what did Phillip gain
What was agreed at Mantes on July 9 1193
John used Mercenaries in the Normandy campaign. What did Phillip use and how did it campaign
Tax of a 13th
What was this, who introduced it
Which taxes did John significantly increase
By how much did John increase the annual revenue of the Crown
What were the improvements John made to the tax system
How does Gillingham describe John's approach with the Barons
Clause 12 of Magna Carta
Clause 55 and 61 of Magna Carta relate to what
What type of King was John after Bouvines
Example Clause of Magna Carta which suggests it was designed to settle baronial petty greivances
What does Carpenter stress is important in causing Magna Carta
What in Magna Carta suggests John misused hostages
Example of John misusing hostages
What does Magna Carta rule regarding mercenaries
How much did the Tax of a 13th raise in 1207
Who describes John as an 'absolute rotter',
worst King in English history
Who said Eleanor's life 'epitomised the constrained role attached to medieval heiresses'
Who argues Eleanor's role complimented her husbands e.g. through her regency
Example of Eleanor complimenting Henry's reign
Who recognises Eleanor as significant in gaining the throne for Richard
Who does Martindale credit for ensuring Hubert Walter's appointment
When was Eleanor and Richard in a close working relationship
And Where
Argues of Eleanor's diplomatic significance
Example of Eleanor's Insignificance
When did the Jews come to London in significant number
When were the Jews expelled from England
When was the demonic characteure of Isaac of Norwich drawn
Core religious causes of Anti-Semitism
When was the martyrdom of William of Norwich
example of accusation of ritual murder by Jews in Europe
By how much did anti-Semitism increase after First Crusade
When did Henry start borrowing from the JEws
When and What did the English Law Book state (Jews)
When was the Exchequer of the Jews
What was it
On his death how much wealth did Aaron of Lincoln have
How high was the interest rates of the Jews
What was created in 1186 (Jews)
What did the 4th Lateran Council state
'John was just as treacherous, greedy, bad-tempered and immoral as his brother'
Who said that
by the time John came to the throne ‘the cupboard was bare’
Who said this
Young Henry served mainly as a puppet for Louis Vii
‘old rivalries and specific discontent account for many of the participants’
Who n what
Young Henrys 2nd coronation
When did Henry offer to have any ‘bad’ customs introduces since 1154 scrutinised by learned churchmen
‘‘John was no more assertive or rapacious…than his royal predecessors’
Richard was an attractive man and a thoroughly bad monarch
Who argues the payment of Richard's ransom destabilised the Anglo Norman realm