Created by Jaimie Shah
over 11 years ago
abs are produced against antigens in the IC spaces of epidermal cells. Causes are idopathic, ACE inhibitors, and Penicillamine
what disease have a positive nikolsky's sign
tx of pemphigus
Bullous pemphigoid defineing factors
tx of bullous pemphigoid
defining Pemphigus foliaceus
Associations with porphyria cutanea tarda
patient with nonhealing blisters on sun exposed areas, hyperpigmentation, hypertricosis of face
Dx of PCT
tx of PCT
most common causes of urticaria
assoc with chronic urticaria
tx of urticaria
mobiliform rash
what causes Erythema multiforme
medications that cause SJS/TEN
tx SJS and TEN
fixed drug reaction
painful red nodules on anterior shins, TTP, non ulcerating, last about 6 weeks
when is erythema nodosum seen
Onychomycosis or tinea capetus
all other fungal infection not on hair or nails use?
ketoconazole SE
tx of impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitus, folliculits, and carbuncles
Impetigo can cause GN and rheumatic fever?
tx impetigo
Erysipelas basics
how do we treat cellulitis generally
what bacteria causes furuncles, folliculits and carbuncles around hair follicules
tx of folliculitis
furuncles and carbuncles tx
patient presents with high fever, portal of entry into skin, pain out of proportion to appearance, bullae, crepitus
tx of necrotizing fasciitis
dx testing for unclear dx of HSV
best tx of HSV
when is VZV treated
complications of VZV
predispose to shingles
tx of vzv
tx HPV warts
sen and spp of RPR and VDRL
tx of Pediculosis
clinical definition of TSS
tx of TSS
anthrax dx and tx
seborrheic Keratosis basics
actinic keratosis
SCC occurence
KS tx