Created by laurentjoe
over 9 years ago
Name three Protestant Religions
Name three non-Christian religions
What is the definition of Heresy
What was the punishment for heresy?
What are indulgences? what did they do?
Name three of Luther's ideas in his 95 thesus
What is Pope Leo's x Bull?
What did Luther do with the bull? what happened to him afterward?
What is the Diet of Worms?
What did Martin do when he was called to the meeting?
Who supported Martin?
Who is calvin and what did he believe in?
What is predestination?
What did John Calvin do and why?
Who supported Calvin and why?
Why did Henry VIII marry Catherine of Aragon?
Why did Henry VIII divorce Catherine?
What is the act of supremacy?
What is the peace of Augsburg and when did it happen and where did it happen?
What did the Lutherans say about salvation vs. The Roman Catholics
What did the Lutherans say about the Bible vs. The Roman Catholics
What did the Lutherans say about how sins are forgiven vs. The Roman Catholics
What did the Lutherans say about who could be a priest vs. The Roman Catholics
on what day did martin luther post his 95 theses?