Select the therapies that are used to treat and punish offenders
Cognitive therapy
Behavioural therapy
Electro-convulsive therapy
Define the term punishment
It is a term that is used in operant conditioning, it refers to any changes that occur before a behaviour which reduces the likelihood that the behaviour will occur again in the future
It is a term that is used in operant conditioning, it refers to any changes that occur after a behaviour which increases the likelihood that the behaviour will occur again in the future
It is a term that is used in operant conditioning, it refers to any changes that occur after a behaviour which reduces the likelihood that the behaviour will occur again in the future
Name the two cognitive programmes that are used by prison services in England and Wales
ETS stands for 'Enhanced Thinking Skills'
R&R stands for 'Rehabilitation and Reaction'
What is E.T.S (Enhanced Thinking Skills) programme all about?
Teaching offenders the offenders to 'consider all factors' before they act
Teaching offenders critical reasoning, creative thinking, social skills etc
What is R&R all about? (Reasoning and Rehabilitation) programme
Helping offenders develop behaviours more appropriate social behaviour
Helping offenders become more reasonable and rehabilitate them
Did Hollin et al study support or disprove the effectiveness of the cognitive therapy?
What were the findings of Hollin et al (2004) study ?
Male offenders(England&Wales) in treatment groups re-offend less than controls
Male offenders(England&Wales) in treatment groups re-offend more than controls
According to Cann et al(2003), what programmes in the cognitive therapy are more effective?
ETS ( Enhanced Thinking Skills) programmes
R&R( Reasoning and Rehabilitation) programmes
ETS and R&R are both equally as good
One of the problems with the cognitive programmes is Gender bias
What did Cann et al (2003) find out in relation to gender bias and cognitive programmes?
ETS and R&R with women have not reduced recidivism
ETS with women have not reduced recidivism
R&R with women have not reduced recidivism
Name a possible reason as to why R&R and ETS programmes are not effective with women
Women lack the cognitive deficits that are related to the crimes committed by the women
Women have the cognitive deficits that are related to the crimes committed by the women
Which of the following are examples of cognitive deficits?
Lack of self control
Lack of values
Lack of critical thinking
Lack of pity
Behavioural therapy is another method that is used to reduce recidivism, it works on the principle of what?
Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
Social Learning theory
Behavioural therapy involves the use of money which is given to the prisoners every-time they behave in a desirable manner
Behavioural therapy involves the use of token economies which is given to the prisoners every-time they behave in a desirable manner
Token economies can be exchanged for privileges such as ...
smoking cigarretes
Drinking alcohol
A variety of selection of different flavoured juices
Watching tv
What happens if a prisoner/inmate behaves in an inappropriate manner?
They only receive one meal every day for the next 4 days
They are kept in isolation
They receive an extra month added on to their sentence
Which of the following studies showed that token economies were successful
Jenkins et al
Garrido et al
What did Jenkins et al study show?
Male offenders that had been part of the token economy system consistently had the lowest percentage of post release for the last 9 months of the study
Juvenile offenders who had committed serious crimes, the relapse into crime was highest when they received no intervention e.g. not receive any therapy to reduce recidivism
What did Garrido and Morales study show?
Male offenders that had been part of the token economy system group consistently had the lowest percentage of post release offences for the last nine months of the study