Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

This is the 2nd part that you email me

Created by grayere over 9 years ago

Practice Exam (Emailed on Sunday) Part 2

Question 1 of 37


Which of the following increases as an adaptation to chronic resistance training but decreases as an adaptation to chronic aerobic training?

Select one of the following:

  • glycogen stores

  • mitochondrial density

  • maximal power production


Question 2 of 37


The latissmus dorsi performs which of the following types of muscle actions during the upward movement phase of the lat pulldown exercise?

Select one of the following:

  • isometric

  • eccentric

  • concentric


Question 3 of 37


A 12-year old male has been resistance training twice a week for six weeks. Which of the following adaptations contribute MOST to training induced strength gains?

Select one of the following:

  • greater testosterone concentration

  • increased motor unit activation

  • increased muscle size


Question 4 of 37


During a concentric muscle action, which of the following binds with calcium to allow cross-bridge interactions?

Select one of the following:

  • troponin

  • actin

  • tropomyosin


Question 5 of 37


A 315-pound (143 kg) male collegiate American football offensive lineman is tested to determine his training status. Based upon the results shown below, which of the following areas should his training program emphasize?

40-yard sprint: 5.9 seconds
%fat: 20%
1RM bench press: 405 pounds (184 kg)
1RM back squat 530 pounds (241 kg)

Select one of the following:

  • sprint speed

  • upper body strength

  • lower body strength


Question 6 of 37


Using the Karvonen method, which of the following is the target heart rate for a 30-year-old male aerobically exercising at 80% of his functional capacity if his resting heart rate is 60 bpm?

Select one of the following:

  • 164 bpm

  • 152 bpm

  • 136 bpm


Question 7 of 37


A 23-year old Division I college baseball player achieved the following testing results:

1RM bench press: 245 pounds (111kg)
1RM back squat 275 pounds (125 kg)
Sit and reach 20 inches (51 cm)
1.5 mile run: 10:16 (minutes: seconds)

When designing his training program, the strength and conditioning
professional should focus on improving:

Select one of the following:

  • aerobic endurance

  • lower body strength

  • upper body strength


Question 8 of 37


To achieve maximal performance in aerobic endurance events lasting over an hour, the preferred beverage to drink during the event should be:

I. cool (50 degrees F/10 degrees C)
II. at room temperature (68 degrees F/20 degree C)
III. a 16% carbohydrate concentration beverage
IV. a 6 % carbohydrate beverage

Select one of the following:

  • II and III only

  • I and IV only

  • I and III only


Question 9 of 37


Force production during the leg (knee) extension is affected by the angle of the hip joint due to the activation capabilities of which of the following muscles?

Select one of the following:

  • rectus femoris

  • vastus lateralis

  • biceps femoris


Question 10 of 37


4. The result of an in-season analysis reveals that a junior women’s basketball forward has a daily intake of 2350 kilocalories that consists of this nutrient breakdown:

1500 kilocalories of Carbohydrates
500 kilocalories of protein
350 kilocalories of fat

Which of the following actions should the strength and conditioning professional recommend?

Select one of the following:

  • increase fat intake

  • increase protein intake

  • increase carbohydrate intake


Question 11 of 37


Which type of exercise has the GREATEST positive influence on bone mineral density?

Select one of the following:

  • single-joint assistance

  • open kinetic chain

  • axial loading


Question 12 of 37


All of the following are physiological differences between elite long-distance cyclists and elite Olympic weight lifters EXCEPT?

Select one of the following:


  • Estimated VO2

  • Cross-sectional area of the triceps brachii muscle


Question 13 of 37


Which of the following is an expected change in an untrained 62-year old woman as a result of following a 2-days-per-week light resistance training program (60% of 1RM) for 4 weeks?

Select one of the following:

  • increase motor unit recruitment

  • increased upper body muscle hypertrophy

  • decrease aerobic capacity


Question 14 of 37


8. Which of the following nutritional recommendations is appropriate for an 18 year old 5’10” (178cm), 170-pound (77-kg) male collegiate baseball player who wants to increase muscle mass and strength?

Daily Protein Intake (g/kg) Daily Protein Intake (kilocalories from Protein)
1.8 306
0.8 306
1.8 554

Select one of the following:

  • 1.8 306

  • 0.8 306

  • 1.8 554


Question 15 of 37


An 18-year-old rugby player is starting his first periodized resistance training program in a collegiate strength and conditioning facility. The strength and conditioning professional conducted strength testing every 6 weeks with the following results:

Exercise Pre-testing Week 6 Week 12 Week 18
1RM Bench Press 200 lbs (91 kg) 210 lbs (95 kg) 215 lbs (98 kg) 225 pounds (102kg)

Which of the following neuromuscular adaptations is PRIMARILY responsible
for the increases in strength from week 6 to week 18?

Select one of the following:

  • muscle fiber hypertrophy

  • motor unit firing rate increases

  • muscle fiber recruitment increases


Question 16 of 37


Immediately following a training run of 6 miles (10km), which of the following is the BEST food to consume to promote glycogen restoration?

Select one of the following:

  • 1 cup 9274 ml) of orange juice

  • 1 pint (473 ml) of skim milk

  • 1 slice of rye bread


Question 17 of 37


During the upward phase of the push press exercise the:

I. knees and hips remain fully extended
II. quadriceps muscles are agonists.
III. Triceps Brachii and anterior deltoids are aganists.
IV. shoulder joints are initially hyperextended.

Select one of the following:

  • I and III only

  • II and III only

  • I and IV only


Question 18 of 37


Over-consuming foods that are high in which of the following substances is MOST often linked with an increase in risk developing atherosclerosis?

Select one of the following:

  • monounsaturated fat

  • saturated fat

  • complex sugars


Question 19 of 37


Which of the following is a marker of aerobic overtraining?

Select one of the following:

  • decreased serum testosterone concentration

  • increased muscle glycogen stores

  • decreased post workout muscle soreness


Question 20 of 37


Which of the following will lengthen the I-bands of the sarcomeres within the biceps brachii muscle?

Select one of the following:

  • downward movement phase of the bench press

  • upward movement phase of the upright row

  • downward movement phase of the triceps pushdown


Question 21 of 37


Decreasing which of the following variable will, with training cause an increase in the capacity of the lactic acid energy system to produce ATP?

Select one of the following:

  • exercise intensity

  • rest period

  • training frequency


Question 22 of 37


A freshman collegiate 1600-meter runner, who has been aerobically training for 2 years, increases her performance time throughout the course of her first season on the track team. Which of the following physiological responses is PRIMARILY responsible for her performance increases?

Select one of the following:

  • increase in running economy

  • decrease in lean body mass

  • increase in maximum heart rate


Question 23 of 37


Nervousness. irritability, increased body temperature, muscle tremors, increased heart rate and palpitations are all common side effects of consuming which of the following substance?

Select one of the following:

  • diuretics

  • erythropoietin

  • beta-adrenergic agonists


Question 24 of 37


What is the MINIMUM amount of carbohydrates that a 132-pound (60-kg) competitive Olympic triathlete should consume on a daily basis?

Select one of the following:

  • 960 grams

  • 480 grams

  • 120 grams


Question 25 of 37


As an athlete maintains exercise at near maximum intensity, which of the following will accumulate in the working muscle?

Select one of the following:

  • hydrogen ions

  • creatine phosphate

  • NADH molecules


Question 26 of 37


Which of the following is the commonly-accepted threshold for binge eating that is associated with bulimia nervosa?

Select one of the following:

  • seven binge-eating episodes per week for at least three weeks

  • an average of two binge-eating episodes per week

  • an average of two binge-eating episodes per week for at least three months.


Question 27 of 37


Which of the following psychological mindsets to enhance an athlete’s performance is described by a personal desire to improve?

Select one of the following:

  • intrinsic motivation

  • selective attention

  • extrinsic motivation


Question 28 of 37


Which of the following changes to an athlete’s resistance training workout will DECREASE the power output of the power clean exercise?

Select one of the following:

  • increase the speed the athlete performs the exercise

  • increase the load from 90% to 95% of the athlete’s 1RM

  • lengthen the rest period between sets of the exercise


Question 29 of 37


Which of the following adaptations is an outcome of heavy resistance training
(≥85% 1RM) that can IMPROVE the performance of a tennis player?

Select one of the following:

  • increase cross-sectional area of Type II muscle fibers

  • decreased glycogen and triglyceride storage capacity

  • decreased capillary density


Question 30 of 37


During the upward movement phase of the front squat exercise, which of the following muscles acts as an antagonist to the concentric movement?

Select one of the following:

  • iliopsoas

  • quadriceps

  • gluteus maximus


Question 31 of 37


26. Which of the following changes in the autonomic nervous system cause an athlete’s heart rate to increase during the anticipatory period immediately before the start of the race?

Parasympathetic activity Sympathetic activity
increase decrease
increase increase
decrease increase

Select one of the following:

  • increase increase

  • decrease increase

  • increase decrease


Question 32 of 37


Which of the following cardiovascular responses is a disproportionately high during a set of a resistance training exercise as compared to during an aerobic exercise session?

Select one of the following:

  • stroke volume

  • heart rate

  • cardiac output


Question 33 of 37


Which of the following is the advantage of a resistance-trained athlete using the
Valsalva maneuver during an exercise?

Select one of the following:

  • the “fluid ball” can become more compressed

  • the entire torso is more rigid during the exercise

  • the glottis stays relaxed during the maneuver


Question 34 of 37


A 120-pound (55-kg) female basketball player has the following test results:

1RM bench press: 155 pounds (70 kg)
1RM squat: 225 pounds (102 kg)
Vertical Jump: 15 inches (38 cm)
1-minute sit-up test: 65

Based on these results, which of the following exercises should be added to her
training program?

Select one of the following:

  • dumbbell fly

  • front squat

  • depth jump


Question 35 of 37


Which of the following is an appropriate work-to-rest ratio when using interval training to increase the capacity of the oxidative energy system?

Select one of the following:

  • 1:1

  • 1:8

  • 1:16


Question 36 of 37


Using the Karvonen formula, what is the target heart rate of a 40-year old
female athlete (with a resting heart rate of 80 bears per minute) who is
prescribed an exercise training intensity of 60%

Select one of the following:

  • 188 beats per minute

  • 164 beats per minute

  • 140 beats per minute


Question 37 of 37


A professional defensive tackle (American football) had the following testing results two months before the competitive season:

Body weight: 302 pounds (137 kg)
Vertical Jump 28 inches (71 cm)
1RM Bench Press 405 pounds (184 kg)
40-yard (37-m) sprint: 5.9 seconds

Which of the following areas should this athlete focus on to improve his

Select one of the following:

  • lower body strength

  • sprint speed

  • muscular power
