In the Remote access model, accesses are done on the client and returned to the server once complete
Which of the following is false about NFS?
Uses the Remote access model
Originally designed to be stateless, but no longer stateless for performance reasons
All clients must see the same name if they can see same file
Uses sequence numbering to achieve fault tolerance
Which of the following is FALSE about distributed systems on the world wide web
Caching may occur both by browsers and proxies
Contend delivery networks are a form of replication
DNS has a global namespace
SOAP is increasingly replacing HTTP
What coordination model would be appropriate for a message which is referentially coupled by temporally uncoupled?
Meeting oriented
Generative communication
When would Meeting oriented coordination be appropriate?
Referentially uncoupled, Temporally coupled
Referentially uncoupled, Temporally uncoupled
Referentially coupled, Temporally coupled
Referentially coupled, Temporally uncoupled
Which of the following is FALSE
Both NFS and Coda use write-back cache consistency
In Coda, file IDs have a global scope
Client process in Coda are described as thin
Access transparency by unix systems is a major design goal of NFS
Which of the following is false about Java Jini?
Separates communication from synchronization
Based on Linda
Implements a distribute tuple space
Scales efficiently, allowing coordination to be used frequently
Which of the following is false about Coda?
Shared name space maintained across all clients
Locally cached files allow operation across failure
Supports disconnected operation, on reconnection resolves conflicts
Limited to about 100 workstations due to non-locking design