Created by Alexander Rehn
almost 10 years ago
Problems with current situation according to friedman
5 points that will determine the stability of coming years according to Friedman
PRoblems with the deductive-nomological model
Why trust scientists
Problems with cap and trade
Smart grid
Natural Capital Accounting
Water supply
Environmental folklore
Elon musk secret
Somatic and exosomatic energy regime
Regional air pollution
sulfuric triangle
River water pollution
How did whaling pickup again?
Biological invasion
Extinction rates
2 clusters related to energy, technology and economy
Potential new cluster
Link between nationalism and environment
2 phases in environmental policies and politics of the 20th century
silver buckshot
Cap and Trade
Natural capital
Why price natural capital
Valuation methods
Triple bottom line to assess sustainability of biomass energy in alaska:
Who popularizes the term sustainable development
7th EAP
Rachel Carson
+ and - with sustainable development
Three pillars approach
living in urban areas
Curve for CO2 concentration
% of protected land surface
PEtrodictatorships: Impediments to democracy
Why are we in trouble according to friedman?
How did we get financial crisis and environmental crisis according to friedman?
What to do according to friedman?
ENergy solution according to friedman
How have IPCC reports changed through times?
Energy poverty
# species extinct
Sources of emissions
Projected climate changes
Potential Impacts of climate change
Global warming potential
emission factors
General principles of carbon accounting
Bilan Carbone, + and -
ISO standard for CO2
Most important COPs
hy did carbon markets become instrument of choice (4) ?
pectrum of policy option for CC
Carbon markets euphoria
Marginal abatement cost curves
Constitutive elements of a cap and trade emissions trading system
Characteristics of Kyoto markets
% of emissions of countries that signed Kyoto extension
5 hypo to asses the effectiveness of CDM
Problems with CDM and CAp and trade
differences between CDM and future market mechanisms
NMM and FVA, which instruments
2 main price mechanisms to reduce emissions
CO2Logic approach
Natural Capital
Ecosystem services
TEchniques to value ecosystem services
Revealed preference methods
Stated preference models
Definition : PES
Types of PES
Circular economy
Aim of the circular economy
2014 Circular economy package
EU Circular economy package
4 steps in LCA
Inventory analysis
2 Impact categories
Impact: focus on 5 categories
Limitations of LCA
Industrial ecology
Industrial ecology: compelling business strategy, 4 main benefits
3 things to do to achieve industrial ecology