Created by Ariadna Flores
over 3 years ago
What services thek stablished when the population grwoths
What the necesitie of new cities?
What kind of construction they made?
In which century iniciated the boomof the public constructions?
¿In which year new spain had an important demographic change?
Guanajuato was made for the mining?
In which year were created the caminos reales?
Where to where was the bajio route?
Which was the most important powerful entity in new spain?
In which reign the church take a lot of power?
Which one was the most important in the new spain?
In which year the ores take a lot of values?
In which century the bajio was recognized in the bread basket?
How many farms had the new spain?
How many ranches?
Which percent of Guanajuato was indigenous people?
The evolution of latam were quickly or slow?
The mining boosted the productivity?
In what region?
In which cities?
The economic boom misery?
What kind of activities went with the industrial development?
It became important?
What kind machines they used?
What things included the bourbon reforms?
Which was the idea?
What made that the church power were limited?
He created Texas?
In which sector it have consecuences?
Were more afected people?
Which more?
Who have this priviligies?
Does the law protect this priviligies?
The crown diminished the powerof chuch?
This conflicto had consequeences?
What consequeences?
Which year?