Sharon Yates
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Credit control Contract Law, created by Sharon Yates on 16/06/2015.

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Sharon Yates
Created by Sharon Yates over 9 years ago

Credit control Contract Law

Question 1 of 13


What are the 3 main elements that must exist for a contract to be valid?

Select one of the following:

  • Offer, acceptance and value

  • Offer, acceptance and valid terms

  • Agreement, acceptance and value

  • Agreement, value & intention to create legal relations


Question 2 of 13


Alan sees an advert for a car costing £3,000. He answers saying he would like to buy the car. He is told it was a printing error and the advert should have read £5,000. Can he insist on buying the car for £3,000? Explain

Select one of the following:

  • Yes

  • No


Question 3 of 13


A business sends out a quotation to a customer for goods at a cost of £15,000. The customer replies he would like to accept the quotation but requires delivery the next day. Does the business have to provide the goods for £15,000?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes

  • No


Question 4 of 13


What is a condition in a contract?

Select one of the following:

  • A fundamental term of a contract

  • A term expressly stated in the contract

  • A term not expressly stated in the contract

  • A term in the contract which is of lesser importance


Question 5 of 13


One of the remedies for breach of contract is 'Quantum meruit'. What type of remedy is it?

Select one of the following:

  • Compensation for loss

  • Payment for part of the contract performed

  • Recovery of agreed price

  • Refusal to carry on with contract


Question 6 of 13


What is a garnishee order?

Select one of the following:

  • Amount owing paid by customers' employer

  • Seizure of assets

  • Payment by a 3rd party

  • Regular payments to court


Question 7 of 13


Ashley goes to a shop and picks up a newspaper. He goes to the cash till to pay for it. What element of a contract is this?

Select one of the following:

  • Invitation to treat

  • Consideration

  • Offer

  • Acceptance


Question 8 of 13


Barry is ordering a takeaway of the telephone, and says he will pay when he picks it up. Which of the following constitutes consideration?

Select one of the following:

  • Placing the order

  • Paying for the order

  • Saying he will pay for the order

  • Picking up the order


Question 9 of 13


You are shopping in a supermarket, when is a contract formed?

Select one of the following:

  • When you put goods into the trolly

  • When you take items off the shelf

  • When the checkout assistant takes your goods

  • When you pay for the goods


Question 10 of 13


A void contract is a contract that:

Select one of the following:

  • Is valid

  • Can be enforced by law

  • Can be nullified

  • Cannot be enforced by law


Question 11 of 13


There are a variety of possible remedies for breach of contract. Which is most appropriate for a seller of goods if the buyer has not paid?

Select one of the following:

  • Monetary damages

  • Action for the price

  • Specific performance

  • Injunction


Question 12 of 13


under the Data Protection Act how many principles are there?

Select one of the following:

  • 5

  • 8

  • 10

  • 12


Question 13 of 13


What is meant under the Sale of Goods Act if goods are "fit for purpose"

Select one of the following:

  • Fully functioning

  • They are what they are described to be

  • They are of satisfactory quality

  • They do what they are expected to do
