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Adriana Sandoval Carrasco
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

March 22nd, 2021

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Adriana Sandoval Carrasco
Created by Adriana Sandoval Carrasco almost 4 years ago
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LipidsSteroidsAre composed of four ringsof carbon atomsCholesterol, testosterone, estrogenLipidsHydrophobic andwater solubleAll lipids contain large chains ofnonpolar hydrocarbonsDiverse groups of molecules thatcontain regions composedalmost entirely of H ad CFatsAre used primarly asenergy-storage moleculeSolid at room temperatureProduced primarly by animalsContains more than twiceas many calories per gramStructureCarbons fatty acids are joined by single bondswith H atoms at all the other bonding sitesOilsStructureFatty acids double bonds between some of thecarbons and consequently fewer hydrogensAre used primarly asenergy-storage moleculesContains more than twice asmany calories per gramLiquid at room temperatureKinks prevent oil molecules frompacking closer togetherFound in plant seedsUnsaturatedFatty acids that have double bonds between some ofthe carbon and consequently fewer hydrogensSaturatedFatty acids that contain as manyhydrogens as possibleSaturated fatty acid chains are straights and can pack closelytogether thus forming a solid at room temperatureWaxesForm a waterproof coating over theleaves and stems of plantsChemically similar to fatsHighly saturated meaningsolid at room temperatureHumans do not have the appropriateanzymes to break them downPhospholipidsFound in the plasma membranethat surrounds each cellSimilar to oils except they have a phosphate groupattached to any of several polar function groupsTwo similar endsTwo nonpolar fatty acid tails in insoluble waterPhosphate nitrogen head polar and water solubleDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node