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Quiz on Henry VIII quiz, created by eleanor.f.123 on 30/06/2015.

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Created by eleanor.f.123 about 9 years ago

Henry VIII quiz

Question 1 of 12


What is the name of the man whose doctrine was followed by the Protestants?

Select one of the following:

  • Martin Luther

  • Matthew Parson

  • Robert Barthe


Question 2 of 12


what was the principle political reason for Henry divorcing his wife Catherine of Aragon?

Select one of the following:

  • It would restore relations with France and Spain.

  • The need for a male heir.

  • she was ugly.


Question 3 of 12


what was the name of the act that led to the break with Rome?

Select one of the following:

  • The Act of Supremacy, 1534

  • The Act of Suppression, 1536

  • The Act of Sublimation, 1537


Question 4 of 12


Who introduced the ‘Valor Ecclesiasticus’ to find out just how much property was owned by the Church?

Select one of the following:

  • Thomas Moore

  • Thomas Cromwell

  • Timothy Wright


Question 5 of 12


what was the name of the acts which led to the dissolution of the monastries?

Select one of the following:

  • Act of Suppression

  • Act of Salvation

  • Act of Supremacy


Question 6 of 12


Which of these is a short-term legacy of the religious changes?

Select one of the following:

  • The English church was now cut off from the Catholic Church for the first time ever; England and Henry had complete autonomy (control) over the running of the church.

  • There was no physical change in the landscape as there were not many monasteries in England in the 16th Century.

  • England would never again be able to be a Catholic country.


Question 7 of 12


In your opinion which of these is a long-term legacy of Henry VIII's religious changes?

Select one of the following:

  • Because Henry was not solely Catholic or Protestant, when Henry and then Edward dies, Mary reunites the Church in England with Rome and persecutes Protestants brutally that had only recently been embraced in England.

  • After Henry VIII's death England returns to Catholicism and remains such to this day.

  • Having broken with Rome, any hope of England reuniting with the papacy is lost and the Catholics remaining in England are persecuted, namely by the notorious protestant Bloody Mary.


Question 8 of 12


How would you describe England's relations with Scotland during Henry VIII's reign?

Select one of the following:

  • Peaceful, there was little conflict between England and Scotland. In fact through Margaret Tudor's marriage to King James IV of Scotland England and Scotland became a strong united force.

  • England and Scotland were constantly warring, despite attempts made to unite the two countries, Scotland loyalty laid with France.

  • Despite some differences by the end of Henry's reign England and Scotland were united.


Question 9 of 12


how would you describe France and Spain?

Select one of the following:

  • Protestant.

  • Catholic Superpowers.

  • Lutherans


Question 10 of 12


Henry was known as...

Select one of the following:

  • The father of the royal navy.

  • The father of Protestantism.

  • The master of the deeds.


Question 11 of 12


what border did England and Spain fight over?

Select one of the following:

  • The Mediterranean.

  • The Black Sea

  • Pearl Harbour.


Question 12 of 12


what was Edward Tudor left to deal with in terms of foreign affairs?

Select one of the following:

  • A Scot-french alliance.

  • A Spainish and French alliance.

  • The illegitimate heir of France.
