Ros Agnieszka
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


Ros Agnieszka
Created by Ros Agnieszka about 9 years ago

Applied Linguistics 2012

Question 1 of 50


01. What is the main obstacle to learning a FL according to Behaviourist theories?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Habit formation

  • B. Pattern overuse

  • C. Proactive inhibition

  • D. Pattern reinforcement


Question 2 of 50


02. The length of children's utterances gradually increases. This is evidence of _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. language as a human-specific faculty

  • B. uniqueness of their utterances

  • C. proactive inhibition

  • D. the incremental nature of L1 acquisition


Question 3 of 50


03. Most researchers (e.g. Krashen 1982) agree that the silent period in SLA is___.

Select one of the following:

  • A. beneficial because it provides an opportunity for the learner to build up competence

  • B. necessary because the learner starts to use memorized chunks of speech

  • C. obligatory because the learner starts to use fixed expressions creatively

  • D. harmful because the learner does not participate in verbal interactions


Question 4 of 50


04. Ellis (2008) divides factors responsible for individual differences in L2 learning into four categories:
(A) abilities,
B) propensities,
C) learner cognitions about L2 learning and
D) learner actions.
Motivation and personality are classified as_____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. (A)

  • B. (B)

  • C. (C)

  • D. (D)


Question 5 of 50


05. According to Van Patten's Input Processing Theory, L2 learners process
1) content words before other words,
2) lexical items before grammatical items,
3) "less meaningful" morphology (3rd pers. -s) before "more meaningful" forms (plural -s). Which claim is true?

Select one of the following:

  • A. 1 and 2

  • B. 1 and 3

  • C. 2 and 3

  • D. 1, 2 and 3


Question 6 of 50


06. Superficially well-formed structures but incorrect in a given context are called___.

Select one of the following:

  • A. covert errors

  • B. local errors

  • C. overt errors

  • D. mistakes


Question 7 of 50


07. Which of the following utterances addressed to a stranger is the example of an error of acceptability which results from the 'misuse of the code'?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Can I have your newspaper?

  • B. May I read your newspaper?

  • C. I want to read your newspaper.

  • D. I reading your newspaper, OK?


Question 8 of 50


08. Which is the example of an overt error?

Select one of the following:

  • A. He cut his finger in the middle of the shave.

  • B. The rain was soon stopped.

  • C. I runned all the way to the station.

  • D. The boss demanded that he come at once.


Question 9 of 50


09. When the learner knows the rule but uses it inconsistently (e.g. "He plays guitar and he sing very well") he or she makes which type of an error?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Systematic

  • B. Post-systematic

  • C. Pre-systematic

  • D. Misinformation


Question 10 of 50


10. According to Error Analysis theory, what are the two most important criteria of error evaluation that affect the listener/reader's perception of error gravity?

Select one of the following:

  • A. Comprehensibility and acceptability

  • B. Acceptability and imitation

  • C. Comprehensibility and frequency

  • D. Systematicity and frequency


Question 11 of 50


11. Stages of L2 acquisition through which a learner passes in acquiring spcific grammatical structures such as interrogatives or realitve clauses are referred to as _______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. order of development

  • B. sequence of development

  • C. developmental patterns

  • D. restructuring continuum


Question 12 of 50


12. Variability is a feature of performance and not of the learner's underlying systems, i.e. competence. This view refers to which of the following approaches to SLA?

Select one of the following:

  • A. linguistic

  • B. psycholinguistic

  • C. sociolinguistic

  • D. neurolinguistic


Question 13 of 50


13. The message in L2 can be conveyed by producing one of the abridged versions of the original utterance (e.g. He hitting instead of He is hitting me). This process is called _______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. grammatical simplification

  • B. semantic simplification

  • C. semantic reduction

  • D. syntactic restructuring


Question 14 of 50


14. Krashen in his Natural Order Hypothesis distinguishes four stages for L2 acquisition. He claims that the 3rd person -s in the present tense is acquired in _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. stage I

  • B. stage II

  • C. stage III

  • D. stage IV


Question 15 of 50


15. According to the Speech Accommodation Theory, speakers adjust their normal speech to make it more similar to their interlocutor's speech. This is the exapmle of speech ______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. convergence

  • B. divergence

  • C. coalescence

  • D. diffusion


Question 16 of 50


16. The primary discourse functions are (1) to aid communication, (2) to teach language, and (3) to socialize the interlocutor/child. What are the functions of caretaker talk?

Select one of the following:

  • A. (1)

  • B. (1) and (2)

  • C. (1) and (3)

  • D. (1), (2) and (3)


Question 17 of 50


17. Which of the following factors do NOT influence ungrammatical foreign talk modifications?

Select one of the following:

  • A. The learner's level of proficiency in L2.

  • B. The social status of the native speaker.

  • C. The learner's gender (male/female).

  • D. The type of conversation (e.g. planned).


Question 18 of 50


18. Teacher's questions like What do you mean? are discourse modification referred to as ________.

Select one of the following:

  • A. comprehension checks

  • B. confirmation checks

  • C. clarification requests

  • D. self-repetitions


Question 19 of 50


19. Epistemic teacher's questions like "What's the opposite of 'up'? " are classified as ______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. referential questions

  • B. expressive questions

  • C. display questions

  • D. rhetorical questions


Question 20 of 50


20. Modes of information processing such as random/sequential or synthetic/analytic refer to ______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. types of intelligence

  • B. dimensions of cognitive style

  • C. aspects of field (in)dependence

  • D. components of language aptitude


Question 21 of 50


21. Skehan (1992) claims that learners who do well in L2 will presevere, those who do not will try less hard. This view is referred to as _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the Intrinsic Hypothesis

  • B. the Internal Cause Hypothesis

  • C. the Resultative Hypothesis

  • D. the Carrot and Stick Hypothesis


Question 22 of 50


22. Expressions that contribute to the development of an ongoing speech and help learners to establish structures for phrases and sentences (e.g. I think that...) are referred to as _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. fillers

  • B. organizers

  • C. hedges

  • D. reformulations


Question 23 of 50


23. According to this model of SLA, the learner dicovers which forms are used to realize which functions, and what 'weights' to attach to particular forms. This view is referred to as______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the Competition Model

  • B. the Dual Competence model

  • C. the Multidimensional Model

  • D. the Parallel Distributes Processing Model


Question 24 of 50


24. A permanent predisposition to be anxious, viewed as an aspect of personality is called ____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. state anxiety

  • B. specific anxiety

  • C. situation anxiety

  • D. trait anxiety


Question 25 of 50


25. Attempts to use one's linguistic systems efficiently with a minimum effort are called _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. communication strategies

  • B. learning strategies

  • C. compensatory strategies

  • D. production strategies


Question 26 of 50


26. Which of the statements about learning strategies is untrue? Strategies are ________.

Select one of the following:

  • A. generally problem-oriented

  • B. used mainly by less successful learners

  • C. both observable and unobservable

  • D. also performed in the L1


Question 27 of 50


27. The number of syllabes spoken per second of time of the learner L2 speech production, excluding pause time, is referred to as______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. articulation rate

  • B. speech rate

  • C. length of run

  • D. mean length of utterance


Question 28 of 50


28. Specific features found in a large number of languages, but missing from some are called_____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. absolute universals

  • B. typological universals

  • C. frequency universals

  • D. implicational universals


Question 29 of 50


29. According to the theory of Operating Principles, in L2 acquisition a morpheme is first used by the learner according to how important it is to the meaning of the structure. This is____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the relevance principle

  • B. the congruency principle

  • C. the one-to-one principle

  • D. the prototype principle


Question 30 of 50


30. Which of the following conclusions in untrue? L2 speech planning leads to greater____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. speech fluency

  • B. syntactic complexity

  • C. accuracy

  • D. lexical richness


Question 31 of 50


31. Neural activations in language comprehension and production (e.g. auditory and semantic processing), is visible in the left hemiphere mostly in the____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. temporal/posterior regions

  • B. frontal/parietal regions

  • C. parietal/occipital regions

  • D. frontal/occipital regions


Question 32 of 50


32. The knowledge that most speakers have of their L1 is intuitive and tacit. It is called___.

Select one of the following:

  • A. declarative

  • B. explicit

  • C. implicit

  • D. verbalized


Question 33 of 50


33. Ellis (2008) claims that in terms of cognitive macro-processes implicit learning involves_____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. intentionally but not awareness

  • B. awareness but not intentionally

  • C. both intentionally and awareness

  • D. neither intentionally nor awareness


Question 34 of 50


34. Learners make the input confirm to their own internalized view of what constitutes the L2 system. This process is referred to as_______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. accommodation

  • B. acculturation

  • C. nativization

  • D. denativization


Question 35 of 50


35. According to Tomlin and Villa's theory of attention orientation refers to______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. an awareness of incoming information

  • B. attention on specific sensory information

  • C. a readiness to deal with incoming stimuli

  • D. the cognitive registration of stimulus


Question 36 of 50


36. Learners try to perform the right speech act but use the wrong linguistic form. They make a_____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. semiotic error

  • B. sociopragmatic error

  • C. morphosyntactic error

  • D. pragmalinguistic error


Question 37 of 50


37. Formal instruction in L2, regardless of its form, affects learners' careful style and not their vernacular style. This claim refers to_______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the Interface Hypothesis

  • B. the Input Hypothesis

  • C. the Teachability Hypothesis

  • D. the Variability Hypothesis


Question 38 of 50


38. Which of the conditions for the successful use of monitoring in SLA is untrue? The learner must (1) know the rule, (2) focus on meaning, (3) focus on form, (4) have enough time.

Select one of the following:

  • A. (1)

  • B. (2)

  • C. (3)

  • D. (4)


Question 39 of 50


39. A measure of lexical complexity in L2 production is the type-token-ratio. It is defined as ____________.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the number of lexical words divided by the number of function words

  • B. the number of lexical words divided by the total number of words

  • C. the number of error-free lexical words divided by the total number of words

  • D. the total number of different words divided by the total number of words


Question 40 of 50


40. The idea that some linguistic forms are 'special' ('less basic' or 'less natural') in terms of their structure, behaviour or frequency od occurrence is the basic assumption of _______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the Accessability Hierarchy

  • B. the Markedness Theory

  • C. the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

  • D. the Prototypicality Theory


Question 41 of 50


41. Attempts by speakers to manage the process of exchaning turns, opening and closing conversations, and sequencing acts to ensure a coherent spoken discourse are called________.

Select one of the following:

  • A. interactional acts

  • B. speech acts

  • C. locutionary acts

  • D. illocutionary acts


Question 42 of 50


42. Preston's Socio-psycholinguistic Model of SLA is based on the concept of _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. homogeneous linguistic competence

  • B. social psychological distance

  • C. speech convergence/divergence

  • D. variable competence


Question 43 of 50


43. In Bialystok's model of SLA implicit linguistic knowledge can be drived from explicit linguistic knowledge through____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. inferencing

  • B. language exposure

  • C. formal practicing

  • D. functional practicing


Question 44 of 50


44. Information that is automatically and spontaneously used in language production is called_______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. implicit knowledge

  • B. analysed knowledge

  • C. explicit knowledge

  • D. meta-linguistic knowledge


Question 45 of 50


45. Tarone claims that we can predict that the use of a particular linguistic feature, e.g. the third person singular -s will be most frequently used in L2 English to the following contexts:

Select one of the following:

  • A. simple/careful

  • B. complex/careful

  • C. simple/vernacular

  • D. complex/vernacular


Question 46 of 50


46. Attepmts by language users to perform specific functions such as apologies are called_________.

Select one of the following:

  • A. discourse acts

  • B. communication acts

  • C. interactional acts

  • D. speech acts


Question 47 of 50


47. Learners' utterances constructed by borrowing chunks from the preceding discourse and adding to these from the learners own resources (e.g. *No come here) are called _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. transitional structures

  • B. vertical constructions

  • C. formulaic scripts

  • D. idiosyncratic patterns


Question 48 of 50


48. According to Rutherford consciousness-raising is type of formal instruction designed to make a learner aware of_______.

Select one of the following:

  • A. the nature of language use

  • B. the nature of language learning

  • C. the use of comunication strategies

  • D. specific linguistic features


Question 49 of 50


49. Focus on forms refers to the type of formal instruction that _____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. aims at teaching integrated skills

  • B. aims at teaching sentence patterns

  • C. isolates L2 forms to teach them one by one

  • D. combines a focus on form and meaning


Question 50 of 50


50. Ellis claims that the meta-cognitive goals of fomal instruction focus mainly on_____.

Select one of the following:

  • A. learner-instruction matching

  • B. strategy training

  • C. selected aspects of language, e.g. reading

  • D. developing communicative competence
