Which time is ideal for Istighfaar?
Suhoor Time
Iftaar Time
Jumua Time
Sleep Time
When we admit our mistake and repent, it is as if we have ____________.
never committed it
done Dhulm on ourselves
given charity
entry pass to Jannah
What is Taqwa?
To leave Dunya totally and focus on Salaah only
To save oneself from Sins
To trust in Allah
To accept the Qadr of Allah
What's the treatment for Hatred?
Fasting in Ramadan and fasting 3 days in other months
Fasting in Ramadan
Umrah in Ramadan
How to repent for a Sin?
Give Charity
Salat al-Tawbah
Confess your sins to a Saint
Salat al-Istikharah
Salat al-Hajat