Ma Hi
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

8.11 - 8.13

Ma Hi
Created by Ma Hi over 9 years ago

Chapter 8 III

Question 1 of 24


You create a page with ID 76, an emptynavigation title and the title Test page. What is the output created by the following script? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Certification = field:nav_title // field:uid // field:title

Select one or more of the following:

  • Certification

  • Certification76Test page

  • 76

  • Test page 76Test page


Question 2 of 24


How can you use TypoScript to determine the name of the frontend user who is logged in? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • {field:name}

  • ${fe_user->name}

  • TSFE:fe_user|user|name

  • $TSFE->fe_user->user->name

  • getIndpEnv:name

  • TSFE[fe_user][user][name]

  • $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['name']


Question 3 of 24


What is the output of the following TypoScript? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT = DB:pages:11:title

Select one or more of the following:

  • There is no output.

  • The output is DB:pages:11:title.

  • The output is DB pages:11 title.

  • The output consists of the page title of the page with UID 11.

  • The output consists of the table cell with ID 11 from the pages table.

  • This TypoScript does not create any output, but it saves the data record of the page with UID 11 in a register for use later on.


Question 4 of 24


You want the page title of the current page to be output. What do you need to add to the script below? (1)

page = PAGE
page {
10 = TEXT
10.value = The page title of the current page is: {page:title}

Select one or more of the following:

  • 10.wrap = $|$

  • You do not need to add anything for the output to be right.

  • 10.dataWrap = {field:title}

  • insertData = 1

  • dataWrap = 1


Question 5 of 24


What do you have to add to the script below so that the complete URL is output? (1)

page = PAGE
page {
10 = TEXT = ???

Select one or more of the following:


  • getIndpEnv:TYPO3_REQUEST_URL

  • {getIndpEnv:TYPO3_REQUEST_URL}




Question 6 of 24


What code is required in place of the question marks in order to achieve the output of all important properties of the current page and the parent pages (such as pid, uid, title etc.)? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = TypoScript

Select one or more of the following:

  • .data = debug : rootLine

  • .data = debug : -1

  • .debugData = 1

  • .data.debug = rootLine

  • .debugData = rootline

  • .data.debugData = 1


Question 7 of 24


What do you have to enter in place of the question marks so that the page title of the current page is output? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
dataWrap = DB:pages:{TSFE:id}:title
??? = <h1>Page title: &nbsp;{|}</h1>
insertData = 1

Select one or more of the following:

  • data

  • wrap

  • innerWrap

  • wrap3

  • stdWrap


Question 8 of 24


Is there a specific sequence in which stdWrap properties are executed in a TypoScript template? (1)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The property that is listed first is executed first.

  • The property that is listed first is executed last.

  • The property whose name is first in alphabetical order is executed first.

  • The order is determined by the order in the source code.

  • No, there is no order.


Question 9 of 24


What is the output of the following script if the alias field of the page has the value test23? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello World!
page.10.if {
value.field = alias
equals = test23

Select one or more of the following:

  • test23

  • Hello World!

  • Hello World!test23

  • alias

  • There is no output.


Question 10 of 24


What do you have to enter in place of the question marks so that the name of the author is added? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
insertData = 1
typolink.parameter.field = author_email

Select one or more of the following:

  • value = Author: author

  • value = Author: {$page:$author}

  • value = Author: {page:author}

  • value = Author: {$author}

  • value = Author: page:author

  • value = Author: $author


Question 11 of 24


You see the following TypoScript code. What is the output on the screen? (2)

page = PAGE
page {
10 = TEXT
10.value = Certification
10.override {
required = 1
data = field:subtitle // field:nav_title

Select one or more of the following:

  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title are empty.

  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle and field:nav_title are both not empty.

  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle is empty, but field:nav_title contains a value.

  • “Certification”, if field:subtitle contains a value, but field:nav_title is empty.

  • field:subtitle, if field:subtitle contains a value, but field:nav_title is empty.


Question 12 of 24


The following TypoScript code returns a page title. What is it? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT = fullRootLine : 0, title

Select one or more of the following:

  • The page title of the current page is output.

  • The page title of the parent page is output.

  • There is no output.

  • The page title of the root page is output.


Question 13 of 24


What is the page whose navigation title is returned in the following TypoScript code? (2)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT = levelfield:-2, nav_title, slide

Select one or more of the following:

  • The navigation title of the current page is output.

  • The navigation title of the root page is output.

  • The navigation title of the parent page is output.

  • The navigation title of the parent page’s parent page is output.

  • If the page to be output has no navigation title, the system will search upwards along the root line until it finds a page with a navigation title, and then output this title.

  • If the page to be output has no navigation title, the title of the root page is used, along with all titles along the root line (if any exist).


Question 14 of 24


The following code creates a link to a page. Which page does it link to? To which one? (1)

page= PAGE
page.10 = COA
page.10 {
10 = TEXT
10 {
value = page: {leveltitle:-1}
insertData = 1 = leveluid : -1

Select one or more of the following:

  • To the current page

  • To the parent page

  • To the sister page

  • To the subpage

  • To the root page


Question 15 of 24


Your TypoScript code contains a default image in the temp.stdimage object, and the user can upload an image in the backend which is saved in the temp.userimage object. What do you have to enter so that the default image is displayed if the user has not uploaded an own image? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = COA
page.10 {

Select one or more of the following:

  • 10 < temp.stdimage
    20 < temp.userimage

  • 10 < temp.userimage
    20 < temp.stdimage

  • 10 < temp.userimage
    20.stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject < temp.stdimage

  • 10 < temp.userimage
    stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject < temp.stdimage

  • 10 < temp.stdimage+ ifEmpty.cObject < temp.userimage

  • 10 < temp.userimage
    stdWrap.if.isTrue.cObject < temp.stdimage


Question 16 of 24


You want the following TypoScript code to display the “Print version” button, but only if the website is called using the print=1 GET parameter. What should be in place of the question marks? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
value = Print version

Select one or more of the following:

  • You do not need to add anything, the function is already provided.

  • = GPvar:print

  • = GPvar:print
    if.equals = 1

  • = GPvar:print

  • = GPvar:print
    if.isGreaterThan = 2 = GPvar:print


Question 17 of 24


How can you create a link with link text, a link target and a link class? (2)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
value = Linktext

Select one or more of the following:

  • This is not possible without a corresponding HTML template in TYPO3.

  • typolink.parameter =
    typolink.parameter.extTarget = linktarget
    typolink.parameter.ATagParams = class='linkclass'

  • typolink.parameter =
    typolink.extTarget = linktarget
    typolink.ATagParams = class='linkclass'

  • typolink.parameter = linktarget linkclass

  • typolink = linktarget linkclass


Question 18 of 24


You want to link to an image. When the image is clicked, you want a new page with ID 123 to be opened in a 350x700 pixel window. How can you do this? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = IMAGE
page.10 {
file = fileadmin/example.jpg

Select one or more of the following:

  • typolink.parameter = 123 350x700

  • stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 123 350x700

  • typolink.parameter = 123
    typolink.JSwindow_params = width=350,height=700

  • stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 123
    stdWrap.typolink.JSwindow_params = width=350,height=700

  • typolink.popup = 1
    typolink.popup.params = 123 350x700

  • stdWrap.typolink.popup = 1
    stdWrap.typolink.popup.params = 123 350x700


Question 19 of 24


The TypoScript code below is supposed to convert a Unix time stamp to a more readable form. What do you have to write in place of the question marks? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = 1226923200
page.10.??? = %A, %d.%B %Y

Select one or more of the following:

  • strftime

  • date

  • prioriCalc.strftime

  • mktime

  • time


Question 20 of 24


You want this TypoScript code section to output the number of days that have elapsed since the TYPO3 certification program began. What do you have to write in place of the question marks? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = COA_INT
page.10 {
10 = TEXT
10 {
cObject = TEXT = date:U
cObject.wrap = (|-1226923200)/86400
wrap = The certification has existed for&nbsp; | &nbsp;days

Select one or more of the following:

  • calc = intval

  • calc = 1

  • prioriCalc = intval

  • exec = calc

  • priori = calc


Question 21 of 24


If you want to use a custom PHP function in TypoScript, so you have to integrate a file with your PHP class. What may you enter in the file name in place of the question marks? (2)

includeLibs.class= directory/???.php

Select one or more of the following:

  • userClass

  • user_class

  • tx

  • tx_class

  • txClass


Question 22 of 24


You want to integrate a custom PHP function in TypoScript. What code do you have to write in place of the question marks? (1)

page = PAGE
page.10 = USER
page.10.userFunc = ???

Select one or more of the following:

  • user_class

  • user_class->myFunction

  • class->myFunction

  • userClass|myFunction

  • myFunction


Question 23 of 24


What options enable you to use custom functions with userFunc? (3)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Content object USER_INT

  • Conditions

  • Top level object USERFUNC

  • stdWrap


Question 24 of 24


How can you transfer custom TypoScript options to a userFunc function? (2)

page = PAGE
page.10 = USER
page.10.userFunc = user_class->myFunction

Select one or more of the following:

  • This is not possible, as Typoscript cannot transfer options to PHP.

  • page.10.customOption = value

  • page.10.userFunc.customOption = value

  • page.20.userFunc.parameter = customOption->value

  • userFunc.option = customOption|value
