What is the The average income for Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources careers?
$25,000 - $45,000
$45,000 - $60,000
$60,000 - $100,000
Where are most of the agricultural related careers located?
Western California
Central California, and the “Breadbasket” of the United States.
Eastern California, near the Sierra Nevada
What are some of the occupations?
accountant, agent, arts administrator, association manager, auditor, and bookkeeper
architect, building inspector, cabinetmaker, building superintendent, and commercial driver
farmers, veterinarians, animal trainers, botanists, and ecologists
What is the median wage for an animal trainer?
$12 an hour
$24 an hour
$48 an hour
What does Rosanna say her favorite part of her career is?
her job is super easy
her job is very challenging
all animals are exactly alike, so she never has to change her methods