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Created by JAVIER FCE
almost 4 years ago
Adjective of "nature"
Opposite of "appear"
Adjective of "mystery"
Noun of "explain"
Adjective of "act"
Adverb of "steady" (constante)
Noun of "deep" (profundo)
Adjective of "surround"
Tener dificultad para / costar... (verb)
Llevar a cabo: Carry ______
Opposite of "able" (capaz)
Posibilitar a alguien hacer algo: enable someone _______ something
Permitir a alguien hacer algo: let someone _______ something
Desde entonces:_____________ then
Noun of "retire" (jubilar)
Adjective of "opt"
Noun of "formal"
Noun of "maintain"
Noun of "enthuse"
Noun of "perform" (desarrollar/representar)
Noun of "eager" (ansioso/deseoso)
Noun of "expert"
Go to work (not walking)
Adverb of "primary"
Noun of "repute"
Noun of "tend" (tender a...)
Noun of "disturb" (molestar)
Noun of "implicate"
Negative adjective of "predict"
Noun of "vary"
Noun of "distract"
Noun of "treat" (tratar)
Noun of "ill"
Adjective of "suspect"
Noun of "severe" (severo)
Noun of "assist"
Noun of "disrupt" (molestar)
Adverb of "increase"
Negative adverb of "fortunate"
Adjective of "sense"
Noun of "safe"
Adjective of "poison" (veneno)
Noun of "explore"
Noun and verb of "hot"
Aun así = even ___
En vez de = _______ of
En vez de = _______ than
Adjective of "wealth" (riqueza)
Noun of "inhabit" (habitar)
Noun of "visit"
Noun of "grow"
Noun of "high"
Adjective of "fashion"
Adjective of "delight"
A diferencia de... / no como... = __________
Ocurrírsete algo = come ___ _____
Ocurrírsete algo = think ___
Quedarse sin algo = run ____ ___
Adverb of "entire" (entero)
Adverb of "consequent"
Adjective of "science"
Noun of "weigh" (pesar)
Noun of "different"
Synonym of "approximately"
Noun of "descend" (descender)
Siempre y cuando: as ___________
Así como: as ___________
También: as ___________
En los que a (mí / ellos / algo) respecta: as ___________
Tanto como: as ___________
Tantos como: as ___________
Tan poco como
Tan pocos como
Tan grande como: as ___________
Estoy acostumbrado a algo / a hacer algo
Me estoy acostumbrado a algo / a hacer algo
Como por ejemplo: __________ as
Es una casa tan bonita: It’s _______ __ beautiful house
O esto o lo otro: _______ this ___ that
Ni esto ni lo otro: _______ this ___ that
Tanto el hockey como el baloncesto: ____ hockey ____ basketball
Sin embargo (advervio)
Además (advervio)
Herida (sustantivo)
Herido (adjetivo)
Ser ascendido (en un trabajo)
Noun of "recognise" (reconocer)
Opposite of "usual"
Noun of "locate" (localizar)
Noun of "improve" (mejorar)
Noun of "involve" (involucrar)
Adverb of "particular"
Adjective of "compete" (competir)
Adjective of "challenge" (reto)
Asegúrate de que...
Adjective of "crowd" (multitud)
Negative adjective of "convince" (convencer)
Verb of "food" (comida)
Noun of "occupy" (ocupar)
Noun of "earn" (ganar dinero)
Adjective of "surprise"
Adverb of "susprise"
Apetecer hacer algo: feel _____ doing something
It's amazing ____ often... (Es increíble con qué frecuencia)
Horas de trabajo
Adjective of "power"
Adjective of "coast" (costa)
Adjective of "extent" (extensión)
Negative adjective of "home"
Adjective of "wind" (viento)
Noun of "cancel" (cancelar)
Adjective of "agriculture"
Adverb of "temporary" (temporal)
A menos que
Vivienda (referida a familias)
Alojamiento (para turistas)
Negative adjective of "train" (entrenar)
Verb of "revolution"
Adjective of "suit"
Noun of "intend"
Verb of "choice" (elección)
Noun of "short"
Adjective of "emotion"
Urgir a alguien a que haga algo
Almacenar / guardar para después: store or maintain?
Negative adjective of "divide"
Adjective of "anxiety"
Negative of "sure"
Adjective of "fright" (miedo)
Adjective of "relax"
Adjective of "society"
Presenciar / testigo
Verb of "threat" (amenaza)
Adjective of "threat"