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Willo .G
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Wilson Guerra

Willo .G
Created by Willo .G almost 4 years ago
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20th Century LiberalismLiberalismConservatism and PositivismPsychologyPragmatismExistentialismSecular HumanismEcumenismArtModern LiteratureGreatDepressionComes from the Latinword which means free,Liberal is someone whodesires freedom fromsomething or freedom todo something. ModernLiberalism is the desireto be free from absolutestandards and morals,especially those of theScriptures. Liberalismusually leads to theimposed restraint ofgovernment controlover many aspects oflife, resulting in thetransfer of responsibilityfrom the individual tothe state. All ideas haveconsequences andmodern liberalism hashad many tragicconsequences -war,tyranny, despair- formankind.Conservatism: Theopposition of liberalism isconservatism Is theprinciple or practice ofconserving (preserving)established traditions orinstitutions and opposingchanges in them Westernconservatism emphasizesthe following principles:There are absolutesestablished by God, eternalvalues that need to beconserved. There is moreto life than this present,physical world. The mostpowerful conservative forcethrough the ages has beenthe BiblePositivismStates thatnothing can beknown exceptobservablescientific“facts”.The study of the mindSigmund Freud,formulated thepsychoanalysis, whichsays thatsubconsciousphysical drives orirrational fearsdetermine a man’saction. Ivan Pavlov,J.B. Watson and B.F.Skinner formulated thebehavioralpsychology, thisdenies man’s sinfulnature by reducingman to the status of ananimal or a machine.The philosophy thatan idea or an actionshould be judgedsolely by its results,regardless of anymoral or Scripturalconsiderations.The anti philosophy which claimsthere is no truth or reality, forcing manto make his own meaning in an absurdworld. It all began with SorenKierkegaard, who taught that all mancan do is take a “leap of faith” intothe darkness of the “great unknown”in hope of achieving some kind ofreality.Secularism is the belief that matters ofmorality should be based on considerationof the well-being of mankind in this presentlife, to the exclusion of all considerationsdrawn from belief in God or in a futureexistence. Humanism, in this context, isdependence upon man’s reasonings andfeelings alone, with no respect for God’sauthority; ultimately, it is the worship ofmen.The outward union of all churches ,denominations, and sects into the organizationregardless of doctrinal differences. Influential menwho opposed the fundamentals of Christian faithwere confident that “old-fashioned” belief in theBible would soon pass away.Impressionism becameprominent. Influenced byempiricism and positivism,impressionism was anattempt to capturemomentary, fleeting“impressions” received by thephysical senses. PabloPicasso He emphasizedcubism in which they focusedrandom geometric forms andperspectives in their works,hoping to create a new“reality” in the viewer's mind.Abstract Art also becamepopular about the same timeas cubism. Abstract artistssought to do “art for art’ssake” and express their ownsubjectives thoughts andfeelings in a chaoticarrangement of shapes andcolors.Socialist Writers These writers rejectedChristianity, ridiculed “middle-class morality”,praised Communism in Russia, and used theirliterary works to promote anti-Christian,pro-socialist propaganda. George Bernard Shawblindly wrote of life in the Communist slavelabor camps. H.G. Wells overlooked the brutalityof Joseph Stalin, and claimed he had “never meta man more candid, fair, and honest. UptonSinclair Wrote several books and tracts thatcharges America’s industries with being“oppressors” of common workers. H.L. MenckenRidiculed Christian thought as being out of dateand called small-town American society acollection of “mass morons”. Sinclair Lewis whoemphasized in his works the “dullness” ofmiddle-class morality and the supposed“hypocrisy” of conservative religious leader.Conservative Writers In the 20th centuryseveral outstanding conservative writersclearly and convincingly expressed the wisdomof maintaining traditional standards andmorality. G.K. Chesterton grounded hismystery stories, essays and other works inmoral absolute and Christian philosophy. J.R.R.Tolkien wrote works of fantasy, including TheHobbit and The Lord of the Rings series thattaught people to long for truth. George Orwellgraphically portrayed the horrors of thetotalitarian state in his novels Animal Farmand 1984 Malcolm Muggeridge Rejected hisFabian socialist background and laterembraced Christianity. C.S. Lewis He excelledin explaining how the profound truths of theuniverse relate to our daily lives. He alsowrote several fantasies (The Chronicles ofNarnia, The Screwtape Letters, Perelandraetc.) that illustrated the battle between goodand evil and encouraged people to do whatwas right according to absolute values. T.S.Elliot Converted to Christianity after spenIt seemed to many people that the prosperity of the RoaringTwenties would last forever. But in less than a year, bothAmerica and the rest of the world plunged into one of theworst economic disasters. October 29, 1929, remembered as“Black Tuesday,” the bottom fell out of the stock market. Stockprices plunged downward as a record 16 million shareschanged hands; investors lost $30 billion in a matter of weeks.The stock market had “crashed” The Great Depression soonspread to Asia, Europe and other parts of the world, bringinggreat hardships to millions of people. Germany was especiallyhit hard by the Depression, losing the little gains she hadmade through the previous decade.Double click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node