How do we found out how a country has moved over hundreds of millions of years?
How do fossils help geologists studying past environments?
How do fossils help geologists date rock layers?
What is salt used for? (3 reasons)
Name but don't describe the three methods for extracting salt.
Describe sea salt evaporation and what it's used for.
What is and what is the use of solution mining?
Describe rock mining and its uses.
What is the salt used in food?
What are the health risks associated with eating more than 6g of salt per day?
Describe three properties of alkalis.
alkaline hydroxide + acid = ?
alkaline carbonate + acid = ?
What was the Leblanc process?
Why is chlorine added to water?
What are THM's?
What is brine?
What is electrolysis?
What happens in the electrolysis of brine?
What are the environmental worries over electrolysis?
Why are synthetic chemicals that aren't safe still in use?
What are POP's?
DDT is a powerful, mosquito killing pesticide. Why do some countries still use it?
What is PVC?
What are the two raw materials for PVC, and what do they make?
Describe vinyl chloride and how it's made into PVC.
Describe how PVC can be recycled and why it's often difficult.
What is energy recovery? What are the risks?
What are phthalates?
Why are some people worried about plasticisers? What are the two big examples?
What is DEHP?
Why is DEHP still used in medical equipment?
What is a life cycle assessment?