1. How did the Sahabah confirm the truth brought by Prophet ﷺ?
By praising Prophet Muhammed ﷺ
By accepting the message of Rasool ﷺ and following his way
By following one's own desires
2. Prophet ﷺ has said that: " if a believer has these qualities then he should not grieve for losing anything from this duniya"?
Guarding the trust (tangible or intangible)
An impressive personality
Good manners
Charismatic speech
3. An Important part of our Aqeeda is, "If Allah ﷻ wants to give us something then no one can withhold it"?
4. Allah ﷻ has said in the Qur’an, ‘do not despair from the mercy of Allah’ this verse gives...?
Hope to all
Open opportunities to follow one’s desires
A confirmed way to get to Jannah
5. Prophet ﷺ has taught us to set priorities in life by setting goals, that are...?
Sacrifice Akhira in pursuit of duniya
Sacrifice something from this duniya for Akhira
Sacrifice one’s health in pursuit of duniya and akhira