Created by ila sinha
almost 4 years ago
with a fine tooth comb
Res integra
Run with the hares, hunt with the hounds
pa lin drome
armory for your arsenal
Those living near airports often miss their flights
TO ______the circle
Die Empty
a complain or strong feeling that you are treated unfairly
The act of making sth last longer
There is no way to know UNLESS you start pushing the envelops..extend your limits
to trick or deceive someone
end a quarrel or conflict and become friendly
deal decisively with a difficult or dangerous situation
to lead up/down the garden path
to take for a ride
western part of the world
present as a natural and permanent part of something
something that is given to try to satisfy
to speak out in angry or displeased rebuke
damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).
A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of people, usually for a political offense
a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze
the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose.
feeling of pleasure for the bad things happened to others
happening at the same time, one thing is a cause of other
out of control with anger or excitement; wild
a man who is extremely interested in his appearance
dressed expensively
start the day in a bad mood, which continues all day long
an incorrect understanding of something
Vestido para matar
harm others to gain advantage for yourself
carte blanche
on eperson should be trated equally as other
seize the day
express happiness
hit the sack/hay
A calm sea...
get your teeth into sth