Germany 1918-1945: Important Dates...
1918: Nov 11th: World War One Armistice
1919: Jan 5th-12th: Spartacist Revolt
Feb: Weimar Rep. established
June 28th: Signing of T of V
1920: March 13th - 17th: Kapp Putsch
1933: Jan: Hitler gets Chancellorship
Feb: Reichstag fire.
April: Boycott of Jewish owned businesses and professionals begins.
May: Trade Unions banned in Germany.
July: Political parties (other than Nazis) were banned.
More important dates...
1936: Aug: Berlin Olympics (Jesse Owens)
1938: Nov 9th-10th: Kristallnacht
1939: Sept 1st: Invasion of Poland marks the outbreak of WW2
1942: The Nazis begin the 'Final Solution'