What was the cost of damages in Peru during the 1997-1998?
How many times did floods hit Peru in 1998?
What effect did the mountains have on the shantytown of Acomayo.
How many houses were destroyed in the Ica floods?
Ho many people died in the floods?
Why did cholera emerge as an epidemic after the floods?
How did the Perusian army help Acomayo?
What happens to the Walker cells during an El Nino event?
How are sea surface temperatures affected during an El Nino event?
Who discovered the Southern Oscillation?
Who discovered the oceanic aspect of El Nino?
Who first noticed El Nino?
What is the name for the global atmospheric interactions caused by El Nino?
Define the term La Nina
Define the term El Nino
What effect does the deeper thermocline have on the Eastern Equatorial Pacific?
How can El Nino events be monitored?
How does El Nino cause starvation amongst sea birds?
When was the longest El Nino event in history recorded?
What is the Southern Oscillation Index?
How was the 1997-1998 El Nino event predicted?
How many cases of cholera were reported in the Piura region during 1997-1998?
How many people were killed in the hamlet of Motse?
What is the ENSO?
What is the Oceanic Nino Index
What causes a La Nina event.