What does the abbreviation PEMDAS means?
Parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction
Parentheses, exponents, math, divide, addition, subtract.
PEMDAS is an acronym. PEMDAS is an easy way to remember the math order of operations. If you look at the list of operations above, you see that the first letter of each operation in order spells PEMDAS.
Order of Operations: Do what first?
4 x ( 5 + 3 ) = 4 x 8 = 32
4 x ( 5 + 3 ) = 20 +3 = 23
Exponents (Powers, Roots) before Multiply, Divide, Add or Subtract
5 x 2*2 = 5 x 4 = 20
5 x 2*2 = 10*2 =100