What is the Latin name for the Wild Black Cherry, Whiskey Cherry
Prunus serotina
Pinus strobus
Juglans nigra
Aesculus glabra
Cornus florida
Taxodium distichum
What is the Latin name for the Northern Red Oak?
Quercus rubra
Quercus velutina
Carya ovata
Carya tometosa
Ulmus americana
What is the Latin name for the White Ash
Fraxinus americana
Elaeagnus umbellata
Campsis radicans
Gleditsia triacanthos
What is the Latin name for the Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum
Picea abies
Acer rubrum
Vitis spp
What is the Latin name for theBox Elder
Acer negundo
What is the Latin name for the Autumn Olive -
Liriodendron tulipifera
What is the Latin name for the Norway Spruce
What is the Latin name for the Eastern White Pine
Toxicodendron radicans
What is the Latin name for the Red Maple
Acer reddo
What is the Latin name for the Black Walnut
Sassafras albidum
What is the Latin name for the Ohio Buckeye
What is the Latin name for the Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Creeper
Cercis canadensis
What is the Latin name for the Poison Ivy
Lindera bezoin
What is the Latin name for the Honey Locust
What is the Latin name for the Wild Grapes
Vitis spp.
What is the Latin name for the American Elm
What is the Latin name for the Spicebush, Appalachian Allspice
What is the Latin name for the Shagbark Hickory
What is the Latin name for the Mockernut Hickory
What is the Latin name for the Black Oak
What is the Latin name for the Tuliptree, Tulip Poplar, Yellow Poplar
What is the Latin name for the Flowering Dogwood
What is the Latin name for the Sassafras
What is the Latin name for the Eastern Redbud
What is the Latin name for the Bald Cypress