Created by pink sawda
about 3 years ago
What is the meaning of wisdom?
What is the meaning of authority?
What is the Old Testament and New Testament?
What is the meaning of inspired by God?
What is the meaning of Literalism/Fundamentalism?
What is the conservative view?
What is the Liberal view?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What is Apostolic Succession?
What is Roman Catholicism
What are Canon/Canonical texts?
What is the Magisterium?
What is the Anglican Church?
Who is the Pope?
Who are Protestants?
What are denominations?
Who is Jesus?
What is Incarnation?
What is the Son of God?
What is the nature of the Bible? (Give some information)
What are some quotes from the Bible that can question the authority?
How do Evangelical Protestants view the authority & inspiration of the Bible?
How would Evangelical Protestants explain any contradictions in the Bible?
Explain what Evangelical Protestants mean when they say the Bible is inspired by God?
How do Roman Catholics view the authority & inspiration of the Bible?
What do Catholics mean when they say that they 'believe those who write the Bible were products of their time and culture?'
What is the Magisterium and the Apostolic Succession?
What impact does the magisterium have in how Roman Catholics see the Bible text?
What is the living tradition in Catholicism?
In Catholicism what has more authority Tradition or Scripture?
Summarise the Catholic view of the Bible
How do Liberal Christians view the inspiration and authority of the Bible?
How do the denominations view the feeding of 5000
How did the Protestant Churches come about?
How do Catholics view the authority of the Church?
How do the Protestants view the authority of the Church?