A pathologic reaction is:
Reaction of the organism to extraordinary irritants
Prolonged inadequate reaction of the organism
Short-lasting inadequate reaction of the organism
Short-lasting, adequate response
Specific response to endogenous noxae
From the point of view of a disease the pathologic process is:
Generalized reaction of the organism
Local manifestation of the disease
Consequence of every disease
An example of pathologic reactivity
A parallel pathologic phenomenon
A pathologic process is:
Stable chain of pathologic connections
Integral network of pathologic phenomena
A complex of pathologic and defensive-adaptive reactions
Unity of diverse reactions
A complex of reactions non-typical of the organism
A pathologic condition is:
A pathologic process that engages the attention
Slow developing pathologic process
A consequence of a pathologic process
A vicious circle in action
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A disease is disturbed living activity of the organism and its characteristics are:
Causal dependency. Determination
Disturbed correlations and regulations
Lowered adaptability
Lowered (to missing) working capacity
A new condition – denial of life sustainability
All of the above