Nose can be divided into anatomically
internal nose
nasal vestibule and osteocartilaginous framework
nasal cavity proper and osteocartilaginous framework
nasal cavity and osteocartilaginous framework
external nose and internal nose
nasal skin, nasal musculature and nasal cavity
internal nose and osetocartlaginous framework
normal Shape of nose is
saddle shaped
NASAL PYRAMID often refers to
osteocartilaginous framework only
external nose
nasal skin and nasal musculature
nasal cavity proper and nasal valve
nasal pyramid consists of
nasal vestibule
nasal cavity proper
nasal skin
nasal musculature
nasal skin and osteocartilaginous framework
nasal musculature and osteocartilaginous framework
nasal skin, nasal musculature and osteocartilaginous framework
Nasal pyramid consists of osteocartilaginous framework covered by
Nasal skin
nasal skin and blood vessels
nasal skin , blood vessels and nerves
nasal cavity proper and nasal vestibule
Osteocartilaginous framework of external nose has how many parts
Which part of external nose is bony
upper 1/3
lower 2/3
upper 2/3
entire external nose
no bone is present , only cartilage and skin
no bone is present, only cartilage, skin and muscles
How many bones does an external nose have
no bones, only cartilage
no bone, no cartilage
Nasal bones meet in the
inside the nasal cavity
Nasal bones rest on
lower part of the nasal process of the frontal bones
upper part of the nasal process of the frontal bones
upper part of the frontal process of the frontal bones
lower part of the frontal process of the frontal bones
frontal process of the maxilla
Nasal bones are held between
upper part of the nasal process of the maxilla
lower part of the frontal process of the nasal bones
lower part of the frontal process of the maxilla
which part of external nose is cartilaginous
lower 1/3
full external nose
no cartilage in external nose,only nasal bones present
cartilages are present in
nasal valve