Created by Reina RominaC Carbajal Higa
about 3 years ago
Japanese Celebrations
Enero | Matsuri Daikoku Festival
It is the day of coming of age, it is celebrated to honor young people who turn 20 that year
Febrero | Setsubun
It is a Japanese celebration carried out at the beginning of a new season of the year, celebrated annually on February 3 and with the purpose of casting all the evil of last year to ward off the demons
Marzo | Hinamatsuri
It's like a festival dedicated especially to girls.
Abril | Hanami
It is a tradition to observe the beauty of the flowers, it consists of visiting various sites where the sakura bloom
Mayo | Kodomo no hi
It is an international day in Japan where children's personalities and happiness are respected
Junio|Aizen Matsuri
festival is dedicated to the deity Aizen Myo-o. He is considered the god of love, charms, marriage, and good luck.
Julio | Tanabata
Japanese festival of the stars
Agosto | Tōrō Nagashi
It is a type of lamp that floats on the surface of the water
Septiembre | Keirō no Hi
Respect for the day of the elderly
Octubre |Taiiku no Hi
Sports Day, commemorates the opening of the Olympic Games
Noviembre | Bunka No Hi
A festival in order to promote culture and art
Diciembre |
Festival honoring the 47 ronin, perform a memorial in front of the graves