Created by Miriam González Cano
about 3 years ago
Approach refers to...
Method is...
Techniques are...
19th century approaches:
20th century approaches:
Characteristics of the Grammar-Translation Method:
Grammar-Translation lesson:
Grammar-Translation techniques:
Characteristics of the Direct Method:
Direct Method lesson:
Direct Method techniques:
Characteristics of the Situational Approach:
Characteristics of the Audio-Lingual Method:
Characteristics of the Cognitive Approach:
Current trends:
CLIL consists of...
Characteristics of CLIL:
TBLL consists of...
Council of Europe documents:
Characteristics of the Communicative Approach:
Communicative Approach techniques:
CALL involves...
CALL relies on...
2 types of apps:
2 types of games:
Flipped Classroom consists of