Created by Charlotte P
about 3 years ago
What is the purpose of Story Mapping?
Story Mapping provides a _______ view of the _________ of __________ to be supported by the solution.
Story Mapping uses a two-dimensional grid structure.
Horizonal shows =
Vertical shows =
Story Mapping is an ‘_______ __________’ used to visualise a solutions outcome in the context of _____ & ______. Can be useful in identifying ____________ due to the intended flow through the user stories.
What is shown on the top line of the Story Map?
What is shown on the second line of the Story Map?
How are stories arranged on the Story Map?
Story Mapping is a s____ f___________ technique.
What is prepared in advance of a Story Mapping session?
STRENGTHS of Story Mapping?
WEAKNESSES of Story Mapping?