Tina Benson
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Mind Map on ESOL Approaches to Learning: Strategies and Methodolgies, created by Tina Benson on 24/10/2021.

Tina Benson
Created by Tina Benson over 3 years ago
ESOL Approaches toLearning: Strategies andMethodolgiesHerrera, S., & Murry, K. (2016).Mastering ESL and bilingualmethods: Differentiated forculturally and linguistically diverse(CLD) Students (3rd ed.). Boston:Allyn & Bacon.Cognitive ApproachBelief that language is learned throughdevelopmental levels that build on priorknowledge and experiencesChamot, A. U (2009). The CALLAhandbook: Implementing thecognitive academic languagelearning approach, (2nd ed.).White Plains, NY: PearsonEducation, Inc.Communicative ApproachGrammatical ApproachSheltered Instruction MethododCALLA MethodCALLA MethodA cognitive approach that usesmetacognitive and task basedstrategies to help the learner takecharge of their instruction.Inquiry ApproachBalanced Reading ApproachLanguageExperienceApproachIntegrated Content-Based (ICB) methodMetacognitive Strategiesare broad based and helpthe learner:Plan and organize tasksMonitor and identifyproblemsEvaluate learning tasks tofind the most effectiveManage own learningTask Based Strategies target specificindividual tasks that help the learner:Access Prior KnowledgeUse the images, sounds and movementOrganize informationUse a variety of resourcesBelief that meaningful instruction and language acquisitionhappens during planned lessons in the content areas of socialstudies, math, science8 key components must be includedBelief that students perform better when acquisition oflanguage and content happens at the same time.Classroom environment, activities and lesson topics arebased around a central theme.Teacher centered activities focusing on L2 acquistionDrill and repeat methodBelief that learning a language comesfrom real use of the languageSpoken language can be written downEveryone learns to read differentlyStudents take charge of learning throughauthentic real world projectsDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node