All Selector (“*”)
var contents = $('#contents');
hides current element (syntax)
hides all paragraphs
What is jQuery?
Demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding the current HTML element.
Demonstrates the jQuery hide() method, hiding all elements with class="test".
jQuery Element Selectors
jQuery CSS Selectors
jQuery Attribute Selectors
how you prevent all jQuery methods/code from running before the documents is finished loading
Write 'ready' function for jQuery
examples of actions that can fail if functions are run before the document is fully loaded
Alias and sign for jQ
What is jQuery.noConflict?
Is there any difference between body onload() and document.ready() function?
How to load jQuery locally when CDN fails?
What are selectors in jQuery and how many types of selectors are there?
How can I select an element by name with jQuery?
Name attribute can be used on which objects?
How to get element that is NOT allowed name attribute?
How do you check if an element is empty?